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❖ I am very whisper friendly. . Please understand that I may not whisper first all of the time, so don't ever hesitate to say hi to me! So long as you are nice and patient, you will be treated in kind! ♥ ❖In Character and Out of Character are two different things! These two do not mix! I am not Ren and he is certainly not me. Please do not take his thoughts, actions, and words personally and we will get along fine. ❖IC Drama <> OOC Drama Though IC drama can help drive a plot or other such things, one thing I will not stand for is OOC Drama, I do not entertain or want any so please do not bring anything other than In Character Drama my way. |
❖In Character actions result in In Character consequences. I play by a very loose consent rule, meaning that just about anything is alright, as long as it makes sense within the plot and/or scene. However, for severe mutilation of Ren, please consult me OOCly first! Please be advised that all actions your character takes will result in consequences of some sort, whether good or bad, and I will not change my character's reaction! ❖Most of all, have fun! That's what everyone on this game is here for! c: If you don't think our RP is working out, then just let me know. I won't take offense. Sometimes it's just a bad day, a bad scene, or general character incompatibility. No big deal, and no hard feelings! Promise! ♥ ❖How to reach me I do work full time and try and have a life outside of work as well lol, however I will try and get onto client when and wherever it is possible, but I cannot guarantee times etc. I can be reachable on here, or on Discord where I am also willing to Roleplay. My time zone is BST, but I do stay up quite late. I will work around things when i can ♥ |
Always | Sometimes | Maybe (Please Ask me) | Never |
Maybe (Please Ask me)