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NAME Sofie Meaning wisdom SPECIES Kitsune Inari (Good Fox) AGE 132 Years old Looks ageless. GENDER Very much female. Her/She pronouns. VOCATION Enslaved. Belongs to the Tether. MARITAL STATUS Single. Not allowed/Taboo. |
ORIGIN Japan. Unknown. SEXUALITY Bisexual. Her eye lingers equally on men as it does women. VOICE & ACCENT Sultry, and alluring. Pleasant, and relaxing. RESIDENCE No fixed home. Currently TGT. FAITH Inari Ōkami Kami of foxes, fertility, rice, tea and sake. ALIGNMENT Chaotic good Intends to do the right thing. |
Vices o Stubborn o Honest o Impulsive o Fiery o Excitable |
HEIGHT Five foot three. Smol bean. WEIGHT Undisclosed. Fluctuates. BUILD Toned. Slender with subtle curves. HAIR Dark blue leading into turquoise. Usually left down. |
EYES Bright Turquoise. Heavily lashed. FUR Fawn, chocolate and grey. Soft to touch. TAIL Luxuriously plush. Tipped in blue. SCARS Unblemished. No scars can be seen. |
SCENT Feminine. Floral. (Jasmine, freesia, patchouli and vanilla) HYGIENE Absolutely meticulous. Well-groomed & always well presented. PIERCINGS None. Would like some. TATTOOS None. Would like some. |
LANGUAGES Fluent - Common. Learning - // HANDEDNESS Ambidextrous. Able to use the right and left hands equally as well. AFFLICTIONS Insomnia. Finds it hard to sleep, or stay asleep. DIET Omnivorous. No Allergies. |
ENJOYS Music, scented Oils, books, good conversation. DISLIKES Foul smells, liars, sleepless nights. HOBBIES -- -- HABITS -- -- |
SKILLS - Tea Brewing/Blending/Ect
The girl is very skilled and knowledgeable on tea and all the ins and outs of it. She knows what blends are good for what need, as well as how to brew it so the flavor is at it's peak of freshness. Not a single bad cup will be poured from her hands. - --
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MAGIC - Feral Form
She can transform into a fox, the only odd and defining features being her eyes and tipped turquoise fur - Feral Tongue
She is able to speak to animals, whatever form she is in. - One with Nature
Has mastered the ability to control both plants and fire. - Fox Fire
She can summon little orbs of light (Blue in colour) |
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