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Invisibility- The consumer will become invisible for up to thirty (30) minutes. |
Vitality The consumer will regain health, blood supply, fight off infections, etc. |
Cat Allows Alouette to see in complete darkness, taking on a black-and-white and heat-sensing vision (1 hour). |
Repose The drinker will go into a stasis state of being and appear dead. No heartbeat, no breathing. (Lasts 10-15minutes). |
Haste Makes the consumer faster, quicker reaction time, more agile, able to do multiple things at once (Lasts 20-30 minutes). Consumer will be exhausted after. |
Immunity Consumer becomes immune to most things such as toxins, blight, infection, viruses - typically used prior to a poisonous monster fight to prevent harm (Lasts 1 hour). |