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Unaffected (played anonymously) | |
A self-important little man who I dare not waste anymore of my precious time on. |
Manoja (played anonymously) | |
Bao-Jia (played anonymously) | |
Pretty girl but so awkward! You'd think she'd have so much more confidence. Perhaps it has something to do with me? |
Dimitriev (played anonymously) | |
Tethys (played anonymously) | |
Something called a therapist? Not terribly familiar with the concept. |
Malvos (played anonymously) | |
Tall and strange man. Has a thing for wine. |
Ashmantle (played anonymously) | |
Azraelis (played by Hiwi) | |
Quinlan (played by Lyss) | |
A seemingly skittish fellow who reminds me a little too much of someone... |
Eugene Ordell (played by Jayce_Ithil) | |
A Warden of Idavollr and a threat no longer. |
Lavena (played by Pandatastic) | |
Darling girl. Precious truly. A wondrous little confection waiting to be devoured. |
Jason Bonham (played by Saberus) | |
Diplomat if I recall correctly. Would have thought him from my realm but I don't believe that to be accurate. |
Peter Greenbush (played anonymously) | |
Malex (played anonymously) | |
Rose Mulrennan (played anonymously) | |
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Malex (played anonymously) || November 4 2023, 10:27pm
Oh. Hello. I'm first."
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Delicate (played anonymously) || November 7 2023, 4:08pm
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