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Pyro (played by randomentity777) replied 2 times to the forum topic Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)(About 1 week 1 day ago) |
Pyro (played by randomentity777) replied to the forum topic Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)(About 2 weeks 4 days ago) |
Pyro (played by randomentity777) replied 2 times to the forum topic Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)(About 1 month 2 days ago) |
Pyro (played by randomentity777) replied to the forum topic Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)(About 1 month 3 weeks ago) |
Pyro (played by randomentity777) replied to a guestbook comment on Pyro (played by randomentity777): "*Mumbling gibberish*"(About 2 months 2 hours ago) |
Pyro (played by randomentity777) edited a guestbook comment for Adrian Hawthorne (played anonymously): "A letter arrives for Adrian. The return address is specified as being from a redacted location in Tuefort, New Mexico. The letter reads as follows: Dear Adrian, I apologize for having to abandon you and the others in that zombie infested city. Things were just getting too weird, and that's saying something considering that I see rainbows and cupcakes where you see fire and violence. Also, don't get too worked up about what your well aimed blow to my area did. Even I don't know what I look like under this suit. Anyways, I'm hoping we can work together again sometime. You seem more level headed than the ex-army guy in my unit. Don't know if you would have known him, but he goes by the name of Mister Jane Doe. Well, I think I've said as much as I'm legally allowed to, so I'll wrap this up. See you soon, Pyro" -- Pyro (played by randomentity777)(About 2 months 3 weeks ago) |