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≺NAME≻ Azraelis ≺ALIGNMENT≻ Chaotic Neutral |
Angelic Vampire ≺TIME≻ 532 years |
Hunger: (Full) |
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Alias: Azra Full Name: Azraelis Remiel Pronunciation: Azz-raa-el-is Rem-e-l Gender ♂ Male Sexuality: Demisexual/Panromantic non-monogamous Species Angel/Vampire Corrupted by an unfortunate event. Scent Ylang-ylang with a strong hint of copper. InDepth Dimensions »» Body Type: Mesomorph Well muscled, but not grotesquely so. Somewhat lithe. He has a warrior build, born from centuries of constant battle. »» Height: 6'4" (193 cm) »» Weight: 213 lbs (97 kg) »» Wingspan: 6' (183 cm) Color Scheme █ - █ Appearance Hair Style| Kept long, stopping near his posterior. Feather Status | Kept clean, shiny and near perfectly groomed despite everything. Eyes | Blood red, unnaturally bright. Color dims when hungry while they expand with no sclera when feeding. Teeth | Pearly white. Able to lengthen in size when feeding, the upper canines poke just out from his lips naturally. Tattoos | Some say the blood he consumes stains his flesh, though that has yet to be seen. Scars Hidden by glamour. Gnarled flesh on right shoulder, almost like something punctured clean through the muscle and to the bone. Looks as though twin holes reside in the center of the long-healed damage. Piercings (X) Jacob's Ladder along his shaft. Wardrobe (X) White thrown-over shirt, cut pants. (X) Black pants adorned with many belts in various locations for aesthetics only. Ornate necklace of unknown origin. (X) Leather and silk, a strange mixture cover both his upper and lower half in equal proportions. (X) Feet adorned with laced boots. Black leather. Interests » Pursuit of knowledge. » Obsessed with other vampires at times. » Thunderstorms. » Dusk and dawn, when the sky pinkens. » Delights in all forms of art, music and reading. Disorders unknown Quirks » His saliva is an aphrodisiac, antiseptic and can numb the flesh it comes in contact with. » Biting can, for a brief moment cause extreme pleasure before his saliva numbs the area. » He is under the assumption he cannot change others into vampires. The grace from his past life has burned away at the vampirism enough where it is ny impossible. Diet » Blood Drinker » Can ingest mortal foods in moderation. Too much will make him sick. Skills Domestic Read »Yes Write » Yes Survival Expert blade user. Offensive and defensive capabilities. Magical see section Items » ![]() » Vials of ruby liquid. Language spoken Angelic & Common Residence The Golden Tether "Room 18" Occupation Guardian of Xiuying |
Λ Z R A E L I S |
Personality | Prideful. Graceful. Controlled. This male sees himself as above the menial members of society, holding his pride as an angel of the Gods despite his corruption. While certainly not completely evil, there is little good that remains in such a being. Any inaccuracies within this logic will continue until he has been proven otherwise, be it through action or word. Moments of silence persist with the male in great length, though that does not imply he is faulted. Cruel at times. Ruthless at the best. Though, he does have his moments of purity. There is an element he is always at war with, however the centuries have taught him well enough that a mask is not justified. If anything, he presents himself as true as possible. Obsessive at times, controlling even to those around him. Getting close to him may end in disaster, but it may also end with a ruthlessly loyal companion that would do anything to protect. | Negatives | Too much pride, too little understanding of humanity at times. Once a mighty warrior of the Gods, he has since been reduced to a monster. However, that does not mean traits from his prior life have escaped him. If anything, they have been mutated into something unknown to even him. Obsessive, grotesquely so. He will not stop to get what he wants in life, even if to others it means nothing. He will destroy. He will torture. He will kill. It doesn't matter to him. It also doesn't help that he tends to see himself better than most given his history, though that is just another virtue of being himself. But, there has to be a silver lining somewhere. ..Right? |
Mental State (87%) | Emotions mean very little to him in the grand scheme of things. Mentally, he is a rather capable individual with much to say. It is merely when he says it and how he says is that is the problem. Blunt and to the point, he can be somewhat crude at times. While his prior life has given him an advantage to much in life, that is not to say he is not suffering in some regard. The transformation took much from him, though he has since taken it all in stride. Using his newfound abilities to get what he wants in the most efficient way possible. Let it not be said he is fully sane, but neither is he completely lost either. | Physical State (84%) | The male seems to project a feeling of invisibility at nearly all times. While that may not be the case in truth, it is this persona that reflects who he truly is. He sees no point in hiding the truth of the matter. His form has been mutated and altered from its once divine state, though time since has enabled him to maintain some semblance of control over himself. Stamina and durability are his strong suits, though his speed and strength are lacking either. His physical prowess is nothing to scoff at, though his true strength may lie within a careful balance of magical ability and physical. An all-rounder, if one must know. |
| INHUMAN ▪ Superhuman abilities lie within this being's repertoire. This is not limited to superior strength, stamina, durability, speed and overall senses. His sense of smell is specially developed, able to hear the heartbeat of possible prey even through walls. Azra also seems to have specialized his abilities toward stamina and durability rather than speed or strength. However, this does not mean he is lacking in any regard. Born a warrior of the Heavens, perhaps it is his pride he covets more than anything. | IMMORTALITY ▪ Corrupted or not, Azra true uniqueness falls upon his true heritage; a being of the Gods. This gives him an extended lifespan, easily able to live within the quadruple digits. However, given his affliction, this ability has been put into question. For with the benefits of vampirism, so does too it come with its weaknesses as well. Regardless, unless directly killed, this male is near immortal in nature. |
| REGENERATION ▪ Regardless of which nature dictates it, Azra has the unique ability to heal himself. While once this was purely based upon his grace and its own strength, now he must rely on the life essence of others to repair himself. Caught between wills and wants, this male finds himself lusting for blood during times of extreme duress. For it is just that, in the end, that helps repair his being. The more blood he obtains, the quicker wounds can heal. Without a source, his body can and will slowly heal, though it is a much more arduous process. | RESURRECTION ▪ A gift born from his time within the Heavens, though now this ability has been remade anew. Yet there is still an element of his grace that must come into play during such a time this ability is used. During or after death, as long as some portion of the being remains, he can resurrect himself. This process takes time and saps him completely of any energy after the fact. Once reborn, the male will also be starving. Unless a meal is procured soon after, he is sure to sustain further damage to his being. Having learned from past experience, this ability is not used lightly in the least. Only during times of extreme need will he turn to it, though it only damns his soul even further in the process. |
| BLOOD-BOND ▪ As with many vampiric beings, a bond can be formed through the biting of another and mutual exchange of blood. This can lead to interesting side effects depending on the depth of the bond and the blood consumed. Abilities such as telepathy, mutual pain and presence of another can be transferred between him and another. Rarely though does he allow another to partake in his own essence, instead finding the want to drain another much more appealing. | HOLY-FLARE ▪ The ability to concentrate what grace is left within his body and explode it outward in a burst of energy. Once an ability used at a flip of the hand, with his corruption comes limits upon such a skill. For it takes time to gather the energy required for such a feat, among other things. After this ability has been used, he is substantially weaker than prior. Be it from the extreme power it holds, or his vampiric nature conflicting with his grace, it is unknown. What is known is this is only used as a last resort, or in times of need. He also dislikes the taste it leaves in his mouth afterward. |