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Husband: A body-swapped husband, lost in the labyrinth of fate, searching for his true self within her heart. He is the original owner of Madonna's body. They have been married for many years and have always had a healthy relationship with BDSM.
Lifelong Handmaiden: A devoted confidante and companion, bound by loyalty and shared trials. They knew Madonna before her change. They sometimes tease Madonna, which makes her pout. Patrons on Her Airship: Noble souls seeking adventure amidst the boundless skies, ready to join her on daring escapades. Friends: Kindred spirits to share laughter, secrets, and moments of respite amidst life's storms. Etcetera: Others who bring warmth, laughter, and camaraderie to her journey through the unknown Any role filled by created characters without artwork will have the added bonus of being placed in art with Madonna, or portraits paid for when I am able. |
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