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Played by a verified adult
The Golden Tether |
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Rhangyl Iligella, or better known as Ryland for his own sanity's sake, is a shiradi celestial eladrin doing his damned best to keep his head on his shoulders even after being pulled from the only realm he enjoyed hunting in to this strange new mostly lawless land. He comes across as a bit of a tree hugging do-gooder for all that grows from the earth, not that he can help it, and even with being filled with all natural selflessness, is not innocent to the world. Ryland is predator for all things fiend, chasing down and cleansing souls of their sins in a way that might rub you wrong as he's irritatingly righteous. |
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Blessed Sight
Besides being able to see evil auras of those within 120 feet of himself, Ryland is innately capable of detecting enchantments and poisons affecting anyone within 20 feet of him, as well as seeing through invisibility, both arcane and inherit on an object or person.
Dispel and Purification
Curse breaking, fear cleansing, and otherwise breaks enchantments on a person or object through touch. He is limited to how often he can do this per day, and does not actively advertise it.
Shape Change
Not limited to the wild feral shapes of a druid, due to his bloodline he is also capable of becoming a cloud of divine light that can affect even those incorporeal. This cloud is rarely seen or used, as it exhausts him to shift back, but he can turn into any feathered winged creature without ill affects.
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Hunting and Tracking
The ranger is capable of working with the elements to give advantage when pursuing his hunt mark, including extending or manipulating his senses to best become their predator. A strong sense and knowledge of traps, difficult to get the drop on.
Ryland can communicate with animals and plants when needed, but cannot retain their language or way of speech to teach another, but once he's build a rapport, he might be able to request their aide or conjure a fey mimicry of the creature to assist. Can be as small as entangling vines to trip or snare, or as large as an elemental to shield and protect the weak.