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Keeper of Secrets
★★★★★ "The act of obtaining and concealing information, willingly or unwillingly. Master Level, capable of performing, not teaching."
Meditation and Yoga
★★★★☆ "A necessary skill to achieve Moksha, to elevate Karma. Expert level, capable of teaching and performing." |
★★★★★ "The act of delivering food or beverage to an individual or party. Master Level, capable of teaching and performing."
★★★★☆ "The act of sensual contact with another. Expert level, capable of teaching and performing." |
★★★☆☆ "A serene, musical instrument that often brings peace to others. Above average, capable of performing, not teaching."
★★☆☆☆ "Use of hands to relieve stress and tension from the body. Novice level, capable of performing, not teaching." |