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Played by a verified adult
.....Full Name Charlotte Lola Dawson .....Age 23 .....Gender Cisgender Female .....Nationality American .....Birthplace Roanoke, Virginia .....Occupation Indecisive .....Orientation Bisexual |
Beach Blonde |
Hazel |
Warm Beige |
5'3" |
.....Body Type
Petite & toned |
.....Distinct Features
Naturally full and plump lips, almond-shaped eyes, faint beauty marks on her cheek |
Materialistic, particular, outgoing-introvert, steadfast, active, ambitious, charming, coquettish |
Pride, Vanity |
Beauty, Street Smarts |
.....Likes The colour pink, Summertime, Cities, shopping, .....................make-up, fashion, sunrises, peonies, the beach .....Dislikes Strong Coffee, Camping, bars & clubs, Mess, ..........................the colour grey, cold and wet weather, spiders |