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Feminine † Latin † "The golden one"
Feminine † French † "free man" or "petite"
Surname † British † "Night singer"
And in the middle of my chaos, there was you. |
Why do you like thunderstorms?
Because it shows that even nature needs to scream sometimes. ________________
"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the sky"
Aurelia Charlotte Nightingale was born in Texas, USA. She grew up in a trailer park, with a mother who was a waitress at the local diner, and her father who stole to get by. She may have been raised in a poor household, but she grew up very loved. She grew up in a home, where hugs were given freely and often. A house where the grill was always on in the summer, where her mother would read her bedtime stories, and her father would make snowmen with her during the winter. Her father taught her how to steal, count cards etc. from a very young age. It was his way of bonding with his only daughter. He would show her how, to pickpocket, how to create a diversion, so she could easily slip her fingers and get what she wanted. He taught her how to open a safe, and how to count cards. Lia loved her little family, but she never really had any friends. He was terrible shy growing up, never really being able to have a full conversation, without turning red and stammering. The only two people she could talk to, where her parents. She clearly remembers the first ever sleepover she was invited to. She was in middle school and some girls, had invited her. She was stupid excited, maybe she could finally get some friends? Well long story short, her fun ended during ‘wild child’, when her dad got busted for trying to a rob a bank. The news was all over town in a matter of seconds. Lia went from the quite girl in school, to ‘trailer park trash whose dad stole to get by’. She was never invited to a sleepover again, she never talked to the girls again. She always loved swimming tho. It was always her safe heaven. Since she was a little girl, she has always been good with numbers. Maybe it’s because it is universal in every language? Or maybe it was because, of what her father taught her? When your father teaches you to count cards, math can come in handy. She wanted to grow up, go to a good college and maybe work with numbers? But Lia was never a stupid girl, she knew how small her chances of a good life was. After her father got in prison, it was just her and her mother. She never got into a college; she never got the different life she so desperately wanted. Now at the age of 24, she still lives in the same old trailer. Her father is back in jail, her mother moved with a new man, who could take care of her, completely forgetting her daughter and husband. She works at the local diner during the day, she steals when ever money gets tight, and she is a waitress at the local strip club/casino at night. Risking her life, her freedom, had been something she had done ever since her dad taught her how to steal. It was a drug she could never quite get rid of. She is not afraid to stand up for herself anymore, she knows no one else ever will. She is quite standoffish and can come out as quite cold and detached. She doesn’t really have that many friends, nor relationships for that matter. She is rather content knowing; she will die alone. Just her and her pet rat. |