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Miley Harrison (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
"You sitúation was tragic and no dœubt frightening, Miley Harrison. I hope that øne day, you are able to take contrõl of this power you have had thrûst upon you." |
Cor Addams (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
"I frightëned Cor Addams at first, but I had not réalized how lonêly my life wås before I met them and their friends." |
Bailey Palmer (played by GingerHades) | |
"People are oftën afraid of the ùnknown, or what they dø not understand, Bailey Palmer. Thank you for not beīng one of those pêople." |
The Nameless One (played by GingerHades) | |
"I lët you gø once. Do not think I wīll make that mistake ågain next time we meet, Nami Whispersong." |
Strife (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
"You are afraid of so much, but I do not dislikë you. You are welcome to visit again. Perhaps then we cãn get to know each other naturally, and I can truly understand why yøu choose such loathsome compæny as your girlfriend." |
Takara Kanemaru (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
"I am fine with your dïslike of me, Takara Kanemaru. I will not bån you from visiting, but will not feel one wãy or another about you when you appear." |
Camille Piers (played by silvermoondarkening) | |
"I am sorry I could nøt prevent your encounter with that disgusting faërie, Camille Piers. You do not deserve to have bêen taken advantage of as you did." |
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