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With a heart for the downtrodden and destitute, Kellen stoicly makes his way through life, righting the wrongs of his past as he best knows how... with a weapon in each hand.
Home is where the heart is. Kellen prefers quiet, tranquil places out of reach from the hustle of life but not without it's comforts.
Armed to the teeth, Kellen relies on his wits more than his guns, but won't hesitate to put a bullet in anyone who deserves it. A mercenary for hire, he knows he can't live this life forever, but to see the changes he wants in the world, he'll need a lot more money.
Eye for an eye, blood for blood, the life of a wandering warrior is full of strife. Trust will dull the blade of the soul, but when all hell crashes down, there must be someone a solitary lion can rely on.
Ages come and go, and with it knowledge, the application of knowledge, and soaring civilizations. Kellen carves a path on his own afford, even in the stars.