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Me and Blazin. A Emo/Punk couple that had several of problems in their relationship but their love for each other is more powerful than their dreadful mistakes that they've done. This couple have been together for five years. longer than any other role play relationships and Deserved more respect that they have been given but that is live and they both moved on from their mistakes for a better relationships. they both had to adjust but it was worth it.
Sythe A Today picture of sythe. Sythe must up his eye vision by testing experimental medicene so sometimes sythe goes blind to regular vision as they keep switching and theres no cure. Sythe and blazin today picture of sythe cuddling with his girl blazin. After their many or several break ups they gotten back together and will always share their happiness together Sythe and blazin Blazin and sythe 5 years ago on their first date. the day they will always remember deep inside themselves