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Loth (played by Rachie) | |
Elven women she met at the docks at one time. Later re-met in the bar where drinks and fun ensued - It's always good to have friends who are medics. |
Sede (played anonymously) | |
He was definitely respectable. Didn't play Mr. Grabby hands, actually he didn't try to touch her at all! That earned him 'Good boy' status. |
Missa (played by Embry) | |
Redheaded woman that was Muun's missus. She seemed to be alright, considering there was a bit of a rocky road there. |
Ciniver (played anonymously) | |
Stanislaus (played anonymously) | |
Hook, line, and wanting to break his damn jaw. |
Levinth (played anonymously) | |
Naga-man. Seemed like 'decent' company. Maybe she could weasel her way into making money. |
Ra'tok (played anonymously) | |
The 'slave kid' |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
The game has begun! |
Muunokhoi (played anonymously) | |
The one that fished her out of the water. In her drunk-happiness! Grandpa pot-belly |
Sandayu (played anonymously) | |
Guy had the balls to bitch smack her. He didn't seem to like it when she went to hit back. ~ Keepin' the pimp hand strong, Slickback. |
Isaac Disvorn (played anonymously) | |
Mace to face, she met the beast before the man. Helping trying to wash out the 'Warg's' eyes. Only to find a man hiding beneath. She made him wrap himself up and be more 'presentable'. Only to hand him off to some unknown woman. |
Acca(played by TheCoffeeWolf) || October 16 2013, 11:27amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || October 16 2013, 2:39pm
Tantsija(played anonymously) || May 3 2013, 4:27amMeet me in the underhall this evening.
Please, please be there...
Your Sweetest Elder,
Daria (played anonymously) || May 3 2013, 5:47am
Your 'Gentle' youngest,
Daria. ~xx~"
Tantsija(played anonymously) || May 3 2013, 6:11amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || May 3 2013, 8:29am
Acca(played by TheCoffeeWolf) || April 7 2013, 5:38pmReply
Daria (played anonymously) || April 7 2013, 6:12pm
Acca(played by TheCoffeeWolf) || April 7 2013, 8:53pmReply
Daria (played anonymously) || April 8 2013, 4:10am
Dio(played byMannaro) || April 8 2013, 4:44amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || April 8 2013, 6:24am
Acca(played by TheCoffeeWolf) || April 8 2013, 10:53amReply
Dio(played byMannaro) || March 31 2013, 7:29pmNeed some ice for that?
Daria (played anonymously) || April 1 2013, 4:05am
By the way, this isn't my walking stick. It's a pimp cane.
Oh man.
Dio(played byMannaro) || April 5 2013, 2:07amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || April 5 2013, 4:31am
Gutterblood (played by -No) || March 23 2013, 7:54am
Tantsija(played anonymously) || March 22 2013, 5:06amSomething familiar this way comes. Follow the rainbow - at the end, there is gold."
Daria (played anonymously) || March 22 2013, 2:07pm
If a rose, wasn't a rose. Would it smell not as sweet?
If Daria wasn't Daria, wouldn't she still be a b..wait we are spitting out poetry right? :p"
Grimm(played byTaciturn) || March 8 2013, 10:32amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || March 8 2013, 11:11am
Dio(played byMannaro) || March 8 2013, 7:18amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || March 8 2013, 8:21am
Catheryn(played anonymously) || March 6 2013, 7:04amReply
Daria (played anonymously) || March 6 2013, 7:49am
Grimm(played byTaciturn) || February 19 2013, 2:12pmReply