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✧ NAME | Eliska Oceanica Grey ✧ AGE | You'll never guess. ✧ GENDER | Evidently Female ✧ SPECIES | Flat-faced feline anthro, specific breed unknown. ✧ APPARENT AGE | Appears in her late twenties, early thirties. ✧ ORIGIN | Although her family lineage stems from the Dragonland equivalent of Romania, she was born in the Mountain Lands of Vorsava and raised all around the world. |
✧ RESIDENCE | She may root anywhere temporarily, but Guildriem has been the place she returns to from her various travels. ✧ OCCUPATION | Adventurer & Merchant ✧ ORIENTATION | Does not discriminate. Loves all shapes, sizes, and genders. ✧ MARITAL STATUS | Perpetually unattached and not courting anyone. |