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Played by a verified adult
Eileadora |
Evren (played by Rigby) | |
Never would I have believed being raised on stories of knights and dragons that I would find myself in such good company as Evren. She is a kind and thoughtful sort even in the darkest of times. I look forward to telling more stories, if she is willing to listen to this old crone. |
Seia (played anonymously) | |
A woman who bares her scars for the world to see. A good friend who has been there to help me through some rough and lonely times. |
Notker (played by Rigby) | |
Nayaioh (played anonymously) | |
Mysani (played by Atropa) | |
Riley Keller (played by LuminousGhost) | |
Ehen (played by Healthbar) | |
Den Fa (played by Djass0) | |
Trinitera (played anonymously) | |
Maxie (played by Tar) | |
Janella Silentread (played by JustaBitEvil) | |