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"Dedicated to personalized utility and exceptional craftsmanship, Arietes Arms & Distribution Company is happy to be serving your area. We hope you will be as satisfied with your product as we are in making it! Be sure to speak with Robespiere himself." CONSULTATIONS// Free of charge, scheduled by Arietes and/or his Secretary. Typically this functions as a meet & greet for the respective parties to assess the needs of the consumer. Specifications, cost and time will be evaluated at this appointment. INQUIRIES// May be directed to Arietes by word of mouth or messenger at _______. |
This includes simple knives, Cutlass, Artillery swords, sabers for mass production. More modern Switchblades are done on a personal basis. |
Revolvers and pistols of varying models and calibers. Semi Automatic and Automatic. Stock and customization available. |
Both Stock and customization available. |
Stock available for mass production. |
Ammo, Grenades, Demolition Tools and Armor. Basic clockwork & mechanical engineering of all aspects. |
On top of the above listed materials, Arietes is able to engineer many other weapons or supplies - not limited to tools of warfare, but any mechanical structure. Inquire with any individual interest to discuss limitations or get a quote.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nisi neque, ornare non imperdiet non, sodales id eros. Etiam ultrices volutpat mi, sit amet posuere dolor sodales quis. Ut bibendum mi eget turpis placerat, tincidunt auctor elit accumsan.
Upkeep & care remains as important as the initial craft of your weapon. A general handbook of maintenance is given with each product or shipment, Arietes co. is able to make arrangements for routine check up and care of issued supplies.
Company History
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ligula enim, bibendum a mollis quis, ultricies sagittis mauris. In ornare, ex sed laoreet iaculis, nisi eros porta ipsum, eu pulvinar nulla nunc nec ipsum. Proin posuere mi ut libero lacinia, at malesuada libero auctor. Phasellus aliquam suscipit dui, sed efficitur dui commodo sodales. Pellentesque nec sem ac eros mattis gravida ac nec nisi. Proin ligula magna, congue id porttitor eget, auctor ut velit. Donec eget porttitor nulla. Aliquam sollicitudin elit vitae nisi volutpat luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi ac purus non tellus mollis imperdiet non porta massa. Proin ac fermentum mi, ut luctus libero. Nulla ut erat sem. Cras in eleifend quam, at accumsan lectus. Vivamus dapibus, nibh in mattis malesuada, nisi turpis cursus orci, non ornare urna nisl sed eros. Vivamus a hendrerit est. Nullam ullamcorper, metus in elementum finibus, mauris velit iaculis odio, aliquet dignissim arcu orci id nisl. Vestibulum efficitur imperdiet faucibus. Aliquam pellentesque dui at placerat scelerisque.. |