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Mikva (played by Mikva) |
Islington (played by Amicitia) |
Alexandria Bellerose (played anonymously) |
Theraxion (played anonymously) |
W H I S P E R (played anonymously) |
Dralt (played by Libertine) |
Hashenn (played anonymously) |
Mursame (played by Riano) |
Tykari (played anonymously) |
Evren (played by Rigby) |
Tithia (played anonymously) |
Naunethi (played by Libertine) |
Azilie (played anonymously) |
Gibbit (played by Degu) |
Alhsom (played by Zelig) |
Pericles (played by Libertine) |
Falathiel (played anonymously) |
Zelanze Balestra (played by Zelanze) |
Ameera Nasrin (played by AiFae) |
Ailea (played anonymously) |
Callister (played by Jeice) |
Riano (played by Riano) |
Riley Keller (played by LuminousGhost) |
Merin (played by Warlocke) |
Den Fa (played by Djass0) |
Kaho (played anonymously) |
Tamiko Inoue (played by AbigailWilde) |
Arron (played by Rigby) |
Freya Rivers (played anonymously) |
Tillius Elmitore (played by Lionheart) |
Crystert (played by Crystert) |
Mikva (played by Mikva) || September 12 2016, 11:26pm
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || December 21 2016, 1:13am
I got ninety-nine rivals but a crusty human ain't one
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Mikva (played by Mikva) || December 21 2016, 1:29am
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || July 31 2016, 11:00pm
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Riressil (played by Atropa) || July 31 2016, 11:55pm
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || February 28 2017, 2:11pm
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || June 1 2016, 12:13am
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || March 30 2016, 3:29pm
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Riressil (played by Atropa) || June 5 2016, 11:25pm
I could give you tips, for your hunts.
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Dralt (played by Libertine) || March 13 2016, 8:17pm
I can't compete with a she-wolf who has brought me to my knees.
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Riressil (played by Atropa) || June 5 2016, 11:22pm
Do not struggle, close your eyes.
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