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[Primary] |
Martial Arts - Grappling, 'Kickboxing' Long Swords Short Swords Knives and Daggers Shields | [Secondary] |
Stick Fighting - Quarterstaffs Axes Hammers Maces Flails | [Learning] | Firearms |
Berserkir Blood
While he normally conducts himself as a rather gentle and civil man, when his blood is stirred he is a rather different matter entirely - the blood of his ancestors carries with it the ability to enter a superhuman state of rage in battle (hamask), abandoning the ability to feel pain or think rationally in favor of throwing himself at the enemy full force. That primal fury now takes on a rather dramatic form, berserker nature informing bestial form.
Supernatural Blood | Mutagenic Blood
Maxie is not contagious in the classical sense and cannot 'turn' others by bite. However, consumption of his (highly steroidal) blood has the potential to temporarily mutate the drinker with exaggerated atavistic traits. A continuation of this practice would be likely to make such mutations both permanent and increasingly extreme.
Enhanced Strength and Stamina
While his capacity varies depending on his physical state, even in human form his ability is significant and somewhere just below the first tier of superhuman. Is capable of lifting up to 10 tons in full form, enough to smash through stone walls and throw sizeable boulders a great distance.
Enhanced Durability
(includes the ability to jump unnatural distances and do 'superhero landings' without hurting himself too much)
Enhanced Bite
While his flesh and bone structure are unnaturally dense in general, his jaw and teeth are especially so to assist in the consumption of unusual fare. They may be yellowed, but are fully intact and not prone to much decay.
Enhanced Senses
All of his senses are greatly improved and predatory with the exception of eyesight: while he does have low-light vision, he lacks nocturnal sight and remains highly myopic.
Enhanced Immune System
While not entirely immune to contaminates, he is highly robust and seemingly unaffected by the large majority of diseases, likewise resistant to toxins and quick to recover from any illness he does suffer. A strong healer who does not seem prone to developing infection.
Superhuman Ingestion
A lesser class of matter eater and far from picky in his constant state of hunger, this man is more than just an extreme omnivore and will eat almost anything, including rocks.
Semi-Upright Stance
Maxie has a bowlegged and only semi-upright stance, meaning he tends to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal posture depending on the situation. While he spends most of his time upright, it is with a notable hunch and he is more capable of speed and athletic finesse on all fours.
A passive influence over the environment around him, his long term presence promotes the flourishing of whatever plot of land he lives upon.
Communion With Nature
As Max has learned to accept his nature more and embrace the call of the wilderness, he has began developing an understanding of animals as though they share a language. While he cannot yet successfully speak back to them, he increasingly finds himself able to understand the birds and beasts around him.
Heat Manipulation
While Maxie has no power over the element of fire and cannot create stifling heat or extreme cold, he does have the ability to absorb or release enough kinetic energy to warm his body or cool down a bowl of soup. This is a reflection of his abilities overall, which tend to relate to transfers of energy: from others into him, from him into his environment.
Shapeshifting (see: The Beast)
The ability to shift between humanoid and monstrous forms. Maxie expresses degrees of change in his physiology depending on emotional state and overall control over his inner beast, the attempted restraint showcasing in increasingly bestial traits. This is something he has yet to gain complete control over, but he is generally able to switch between bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion at will.
Supernatural Sensitivity
Maxie can sense strong supernatural energies when unconcealed and identify many kinds of supernaturals by scent. This is aided by a strong sixth sense, which makes him very sensitive to seeing ghosts and other spiritual beings clearly. In combination with his overall predatory senses, this can be overwhelming at times.
As a boy Max had a tendency to see and experience the unusual, frequently encountering supernatural beings like sea dragons, forest spirits, bog hags, and kelpie. It was always he was comfortable in nature and strayed deep into the wilderness, curiously more capable where other children would run afoul of beasts and horrors. It was through his inclination towards such things that he succeeded in drawing the attention of monster hunters and later a religious order bent on hunting the unhuman; as a paladin for seventeen years and a monster hunting monster for the past thirteen, this sense has been honed into a very keen detection of the supernatural. Power Consumption See more
A primary aspect of his monstrous nature involves a strong instinctual inclination towards preying on people and creatures with supernatural power. While this leans towards a taste for prey of a darker nature, this more malevorous preference was only acquired by dietary conditioning. This can be a powerful temptation and Max often finds himself consuming things that he probably shouldn't to take off the edge (such as bloodwyne, the eggs of magical creatures, and the viscera of slain enemies). Maxie can absorb the strength of his foes and quite literally tear away conditions and abilities in the process. What he devours gives him an overall boost to his health and prowess in the moment, but depending on the meal (and specifically what parts are eaten) reaches to temporarily mimicked traits and powers of the consumed. These powers tend to fade away in short time, but enough consumption of a particular source and it can become a more permanent aspect. Applications: See more
Power Absorption Curse Negation | Curse Removal Power Erasure | Humanization Maxie has the unrealized ability to eat the curses, conditions, and abilities of another at the cost of flesh and a dangerous digestive period. If an individual is to survive depends on how heavily anchored the power is to their being and how much they resist: in the large majority of cases (especially those related to long term supernatural conditions) this will end in death, either due to the violent removal of their supernatural essence or due to the fact that once he has it he may not stop at the meager consumption of sacrificial flesh alone. Regeneration See more
Consumption Empowerment | Cannibalism Empowerment Consumptive Healing | Age Deceleration While he is a far more efficient healer than a human being, he does not have extraordinary regenerative ability outside of full form (where he can expend energy to heal rapidly). However, in cases of the consumption of sentient flesh (which he will feel strongly inclined towards when badly injured), his healing rate increases to superhuman levels and his aging process slows to a near halt. The effect only applies to sustained injuries and will not affect already formed scar tissue. While an increased healing factor and borrowed abilities will fade during digestion, he will retain a permanent increase to his longevity by having turned back the clock.
Lucid Dreaming
An awareness of when he is dreaming that comes with the ability to influence his own subconscious and cast intruders out.
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