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Dorton was the capital of Norvale, until industrial uprising and political turmoil that lead into a civil war between the rest of the country and the cities in it and Dorton. Dorton managed to rip itself apart from rest of the country, which was seen as a justified thing due to the economical thing among the people in Dorton, while rest of the country grew sour. There has been numerous tensions after, but so far Dorton has evolved into an even bigger cancer of a city in middle of the large island. | Dorton is a massive complex of different kind of areas divided into sectors by giant walls that run through the city. There are overrall eight sectors in the city itself, while the nearby lands are considered still greater Dorton area. One sector around the north bank of the river is occupied by the military, one by the Clergy and the King, while two sectors are shared by most of the bigger noble Houses of Dorton. There are a lot of sectors with living quarters, while the sectors themselves are controlled by guilds and factions inside them. |
The King - Dorton is lead by a small council, chosen by the King of Dorton. Dorton monarchy is more of a title established according to the legend of Norvale and it’s past, while having little to nothing to do with actual royal bloodlines. There are several noble houses inside Dorton that struggle for power. A new king is chosen, when the old one is disputed unfit to lead by majority of major powers and factions, mostly guilds and houses inside the city. | The Army - Dorton is managed by the ruling elite, which command the vast army, divided in three major factions. Army is both technologically advanced and well financed due to the ongoing tensions between rest of the island and Dorton. The Legion is part of the army that operates most of the actual warfare on a grand scale. The Watch is the guards that patrol the city and are part of the army itself, acting close to as one would imagine police. The Forge is the scientific and manufacturing side of the Army, though relies heavily on services and resources provided by the Houses inside Dorton to operate. | The Clergy – Dorton has always been a city of power and a vast amount of population and with those combined comes many forms of sin. The Faith came to Dorton from foreign countries decades ago, but through violence and religious cleansing, Norvale’s original religions were pushed far away from Dorton and deep into the north woods of the big island. The King’s castle in middle of Dorton is surrounded on all sides with the religious district with it’s different temples, shrines and holy places. Many see the Clergy as corrupt and politically inclined, but they hold great power in the city still and are by law supported by all of the houses, the Army and the King. They have their own small paramilitaristic faction, but are mostly forbidden to field a proper army due to political tensions and power structure inside Dorton. |
Narthar Slagworks - The large guild on the east side of Dorton District Seven was a massive complex originally consisting of many smaller guilds. A decade ago House Amnar and an individual named Jacob Narthar managed to combine these smaller guilds under one company name due to coercion, blackmail and politics. The Watch were unable to pinpoint any wrongdoings, so the Slagworks could operate properly soon after, providing service to the fabled city by producing massive amounts of raw materials for House Amnar. Slagworks iron, steel and other metals are renowned through the whole archipelago around Norvale Island, though most of it's production capacity is aimed to serve the great city of Dorton. It has been nearly impossible for other companies to compete with the enermous organisation, but considering how Slagworks also provides salary (even though minimal) to a large portion of good and honest dortonians, the King has not intervened with the policies enforced by Slagworks. | Steel Vanguard - the fabled mercenary batallion during the civil war lead by Elijah One-Eyed won many battles and worked alongside the Legion on almost all main fronts of the war. It was the courage and relentless advance by the heavy infantry of the Vanguard that got them most of the reputation, even though majority of the mercenary batallion came from around the archipelago, rather than the island itself. After the war and with new laws around Dorton regarding military presence, the Vanguard was forced to rebuild itself - with most of the veterans leaving the island, but the ones left re-organising themselves as a mercenary group working under as a private security company. The Vanguard nowdays provides security for some of the Houses, which do not have their own security and for many of other guilds. They work from Dorton District Seven under the stern command of the old Elijah, whom is rumoured to be in quite a bad condition. |