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Dominique (played anonymously) | |
Bailey Saire (played by LynnDante) | |
Shyla (played anonymously) | |
Silverheart Dragon (played by Silverheart) | |
This one is.. fluffy and confusing at times.. |
Ashanty (played by PeekaBoo) | |
We are so much alike. It is good to have another to talk to.. |
Li Hua (played anonymously) | |
Claudius Andino (played by Hokins000) | |
You seem kind..*head tilt* |
Kane (played by TheCoffeeWolf) | |
Shall I dance for you? |
Bio (played by rela) | |
Holy Night (played by Spoody) | |
I want to remain close.. Please.. can I.. |
Terrimius (played anonymously) | |
Dy fod y darn yna ohona i, Y darn yna ohona i... |
Prose (played anonymously) | |
Zreek (played by Leighoflight) | |
Brother I am so proud of you! |
Lucy (played by Sareturu) | |
Quinn Lachesis (played anonymously) | |
FortiTude (played by TheThorn) | |
Jinan Shorah (played anonymously) | |
You saved me.. |
Killian (played by Karn) | |
Penelopia Quinn (played by MsMousey) | |
You were and still are my first sister |
Birde (played by Stoner) | |
Victoria Black (played anonymously) | |
Inkless (played by Spoody) | |
Ailuin (played by Michonne) | |
Allurean (played anonymously) | |
Karn (played by Karn) | |
Carasynthia (played anonymously) | |
Ezra (played anonymously) | |
Citrinitas (played by kjerub) | |
Noori (played anonymously) | |
Acheron (played by Daegu) | |
Aula (played anonymously) | |
Yaazecsus (played by Leighoflight) | |
Thank you.. |
Rath (played by Arokai) | |
Myles Rorce (played by InsomniaCat) | |
Ziv the Valorous - TS (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Baran (played anonymously) | |
Eolas (played anonymously) | |
There are days that I miss you.. |
Sophia (played by Shmookitten) | |
Kaizen (played by Trishields) | |
Zavaria (played by kjerub) | |
Xander De Haven (played anonymously) | |
Gus (played anonymously) | |
Hodge Willoughby (played by benzy) | |
Pryderi (played by enchirito) | |
Allure (played by Themuse) | |
DJANIRA (played by sulky) | |
Calytrix (played anonymously) | |
Kali'va (played anonymously) | |
Yarrow Farberos, PhD (played anonymously) | |
Dianna (played by Madam) | |
Yes, Milady.. |
Balfor (played anonymously) | |
Fiver (played anonymously) | |
It's strange the pull between us.. But, I trust you |
Kodin (played by JustAWolf) | |
Lilith (played by BrandyCat) | |
Davian (played by konnie) | |
Zotz (played by Rigby) | |
Eloisa (played anonymously) | |
Terrimius (played anonymously) || September 4 2022, 7:18am
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Jinan Shorah (played anonymously) || May 5 2022, 6:34pm
You need to log in or join our community to leave a comment here.
MsMousey || April 20 2022, 2:49pm
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