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Health: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Details)
Despite his alarmingly high age, he was actually quite healthy. While his high age and fragile body makes him more subject to immense inflicted pain, it wouldn't be a surefire way to make him surrender. However...Due to his draconic being, nearly anything of Nature's Bane could be fatal to him. Focus: ![]() ![]() (Details)
Mental vitals were strong for someone his age but not perfect. However, early signs of dementia have begun to take its course. Melee ![]() ![]() (Details)
You'd have to have done something unspeakably foul to rile up this old dog enough to fight. Move along to the next subject, please! ![]() |
Defenses: ![]() ![]() ![]() (Details)
Not perfect but should a 1-on-1 battle unfold he would be able to effectively defend himself, as long as he's not overwhelmed with multiple opponents or tasks. Even still, he was often a sneak and very crafty. However...He's likely to cower from a brawl these days as his pain tolerance has dwindled quite a bit. He'd call utter quits if his left leg or hips were hurt in any way. Speed: ![]() (Details)
What do you expect from someone 112 years old??? Speed? Well... he may very well be the first in line at the Bingo hall! Move along to the next subject, please! ![]() Tolerance: ![]() ![]() (Details)
While closely related to mental wellness (focus), his tolerance levels sway greatly in the face of a complex and strict formula. Mood + physical well-being × situational event(s) / Involved person(s) ≈ <insert altered temperament outcome here> . |
I. Djinn form
She is nimble, quick, and can easily strike-n-hide to disorient her opponent. However, her most threatening physical attacks are bites and scratches while her most threatening would be her proficient use of Fireball and other fire-related assaults. |
II. Astroprojection Humanoid form
Her most balanced form for speed, melee damage, and still as proficient in psynergy usage. Practically proficient in contact melee and single or dual wield weaponry as long as the weight of the weapons does not exceed 10lb each. |
III. Wyrm form
While in dragon form, she becomes unfathomably powerful at the expense of speed and obviously her size limiting where she can go. She renounces psynergy abilities for outright brute strength and birthright natural powers of firebreathing. |
Fireball: Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω
Style: Mars Use: Offensive Description: A natural born trait most evolved Mars Adepts are capable of from birth or at time of ascendance; the ability to breath fire. The Father's heightened level of control with this ability allows him total manipulation of size, effective distance, and heat intensity. While use of this ability would easily be viewed as an act of hostility, Father Mars instead uses it as a means of defense and feral communication with fellow draconian beings, feral or not. Being that it is primarily a physical based ability (chi), Psynergy comes into play when the highly flammable stream of spat saliva is suppressed before ignition thus manipulation of effective distance; otherwise, due to the high levels of sulphur in the saliva, it would ignite the moment oxygen is introduced. Toxic Blood (Poison Claw): Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω (Details)
Style: Birthright Use: Defensive Description: Ever since day one of his life, Father Mars' blood has been very toxic to mere mortals of an opposing blood type; an example of someone who isn't affected by this is his wife and others of a rare blood type like hers. A secondary trait of this is his retractable claws which are venomous. Simply 10 grams worth of the venom entering an opponent's blood would experience severe nausea, fever, mental breakdown, and eventually death within 20-30min unless immediate help is applied to stop the spread. He generally keeps his claws plucked or, if the claws have regrown, he keeps his hands covered with heavy leathers or metal gauntlets as an 'insurance policy'. In his old age, most, if not all, infections are accidental or defensive reaction. Convection: Ω Ω __ __ __ (Details)
Style: Mars Use: Recreational Description: This technique, while not readily harmful or useful in a brawl, can cause a ruckus if allowed the time to bind. His body simply generates immense amounts of heat which would then heat the area. In an enclosed room, it could be bothersome to others but not fatal unless said person(s) are susceptible to extreme heat. Conduction: Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω (Details)
Style: Mars Use: Offensive & Medicinal Description: Through nearly any type of material he can superheat. This may sound redundant or even useless but it yields good value in battle but even better if used as a method for medicinal needs. However, he'll often use this for recreation be it for work or hobby. Fire Combatants: Ω Ω Ω __ __ (Details)
Style: Mars Use: Defense & offense Description: This ability evolved from his Convection ability. This 'technique' was strictly melee focused. The body's core temperature soars to extreme highs, making him literally combustible under the right exterior conditions. Back in the days of old, when he was able to move at near Shaolin speeds, his strikes would literally form a blazed leading-edge that would burn his opponents with a connecting strike. As noted earlier, a plausible secondary effect is the ability to engulf himself in flames for a period of time. This will render him completely untouchable by way of direct contact melee. Much more use could come from that but this was a dangerous feat that Porsche never even bothered to try. |
Scorched Tongue: Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω
Style: Mars Use: Defensive & Medicinal Description: The foundation of Fireball but the levels of sulfur in the saliva are not as intense and will not ignite unless provoked or natural conditions are just right. How it's used is raw saliva is spat upon an opponent or inanimate object. The saliva was oily, corrosive, and would stick-n-spread with ease. If spat upon an opponent, especially in the face, it will burn delicate tissues such as eyes; yet if it ignites while on an opponent... it could quickly result in 2nd and/or 3rd-degree burns or be fatal. If upon an object, the corrosive nature might merely discolour the surface. Otherwise, if ignition occurs it would slowly burn it. Astoundingly, this nifty ability does have some medicinal purposes, as Porsche has experimented with over the years but it was risky due to having absolutely no immediate control of the intensity of ignition. Ember: Ω Ω Ω __ __ (Details)
Style: Mars Use: Offensive, Defensive, & Medicinal Description: Able to pinpoint focus raw psynergy into his hands, he can create palm-sized embers to throw at his targets, among other resourceful uses. However, there was a double-edged sword effect behind it; weaker embers were second-nature to conjure but as the magnitude grew so did the consequential recoil effects it would have upon himself. If improperly performing the maximum level of Magnitude 10, or simply holding it too long, the ember had a high probability to collapse and go nova in his hand with a 98% chance of zapping his physical energy as well. With proper execution of a Magnitude 10, its destructive energy will easily level a 100ft+ radius of an area, however, he's never attempted anything above Magnitude 4, ever. Radiation: Ω Ω __ __ __ (Details)
Style: Fusion (Mars/Jupiter) Use: Offensive, Defensive, & Medicinal Description: The simple science of energy transference. By focusing upon a person or inanimate object, he can transfer his own psynergy onto the target and manipulate the atoms to vibrate. this causes excessive but uniform heat saturation and possibly even ignition. It serves exceptionally well in all defensive, offensive, and even medicinal applications. Telepathy: Ω __ __ __ __ (Details)
Style: Jupiter Use: Defensive & Medicinal Description: Taught to him by a friend, Porsche has the ability to dubiously read minds over a short distance (4ft max). This ability is amplified nearly 16-fold if he is tangible with his target. This ability came with the side effect of telekinesis but was nearly non-existent unless he were to become emotionally distraught/enraged. Depending on how severe the rush of adrenaline would determine the strength is of this side effect which could be harmless or an outright serious threat. In such an adrenaline pumping event, it can act as an 'oh shit!' defence mechanism, allowing him to suspend an aggressor frozen in time to make a hasty getaway; his highest record of this, so far, was 7 seconds sharp. Neutron Star: Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω (Details)
Style: Mars Use: Recreational Description: An evolution of Ember but with no known useful properties of offence or defence. This technique was simply a theatrical effect he developed over the years when sharing tales of adventure and astrology during Storytime with the children of Äthendäth. By focusing a given magnitude of psynergy into either of his hands or both for a combined, effect it would determine just how elaborate the light show would be. Much like the astronomical phenomenon, he would cast a larger than life ember to the heavens then manipulate it to collapse on itself, often times resulting in a deafening thunderous bang, sending harmless shimmers in all directions. It would then have shrunk to the size of a melon yet shined brighter than before until he cancelled the effect or it fizzled out on its own. |