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Jean's human form is one of the weakest forms she has but she always stays in it. She has a small height of five foot three with a sword that is almost half her height. She has waist long fiery red hair with black eyes that look to have several shades of gray swirling around in them. She has high cheekbones, a thin bridge, small nose and full lips with large eyes. She looks very beautiful for a human and if she was taller, most would say she would be prefect for a model though she didn't care, looks mean nothing to her. |
This picture is a close idea of what she looks like in her devil form but minus the tattoos on her shoulders and she states in the same dress as she always wear, she wings are much larger and darker. In this form, she is much stronger and does not need her sword to kill some of the most powerful demons. Her spine grows and she becomes at least five inches taller to five feet and eight inches. |