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New Versailles |
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Furcadia |
{Name} Anabell Hartley {Prefers} Ana (Anna) {Nicknames} Squirrel, Scoob, Steak sauce(Brix), Anabananabell, Mutt {Species} Werewolf {Born or Turned} Born {Apparent Age} 20ish {Actual Age} 26 {Birth date} October 31st, 1990 |
{Ethnicity} American, born and raised Louisiana girl {Orientation} 6 on the Kinsey scale basically a total lesbo {Relationship status} Monogamous, Single as hell. {Occupation} Under the table work, odd jobs. Can do almost anything from working on cars, to bust boy work if your missing a bust boy that night, to even pluming and electronic work. She will do it all for cheaper then what most people ask. Also the alpha of Fengári |
{Voice} + {Height} 5' 1" {Weight} 106 lbs {Build} Rather average, slightly athletic {Eyes} Blue! Very blue {Hair} Brunette {Scent} Trees, grass, dirt {Roll}: Majorly dominate, but can switch {Spoken Languages} English {Currently Living} New Versailles, Louisiana {Home} In a cabin in the forest or in the park |
{Birthplace} New Versailles, Louisiana {Tattoos/Piercings} Sleeve tattoo on left arm of a Koi pond (symbolizing inner peace or some shit) and ear piercings {Scars} 3 bullet hole shaped scars from silver bullets on her back, long scar across chest from a silver blade {Habits} Smoking, drinking, random bouts of laziness, sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth when thinking. Overlooking bad situations. |
{Education} Dropped out on the start of her 12th grade year. {Family} Mother and father died in a supposed car crash when she was the age of 7 (Someone wanted them dead and made it look like a accidental car crash). Her uncle (he's a huge dick and hates Ana. He thinks shes trash for being a werewolf No other family is known. {Carried} A long green military pack called a sea bag. Inside is some clothes, a water bottle, a pocket knife, random papers (old papers that would be considered trash), a lighter, and a pack of cigarettes |
--Criminal record:
NVPD criminal record for Anabell Hartley 9 counts of destruction of city property 4 counts of destruction of property 3 counts of drunk in public 1 count of possession of Marijuana Dupree Animal Shelter Records show a large black German shepherd dog being obtained in 5 separate occasions for reckless behavior in public, knocking over trash cans, jumping on cars and stealing peoples food. There seems to be no owner claiming the canine nor did it have a collar, tag or chip. It is believed to be a stray. It has escaped every time it has been brought in. |