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Full name: Apparent Age: Calling: Gender: Race: Hair: Eyes: Complexion: Build: |
Janus Ager 34 Town Guard Male Human Chestnut Pale Blue Fair Ectomorph, 5'6" |
Intellect: MBTI: Faith: Suffering: Interests: |
A man of no formal education, Janus learned and lived off the land for much of his early life. Since being cursed, he has managed to teach himself to read and write, though his penmanship leaves much to be desired. Secretly, he is a voracious intellectual yearning for more input, but he rarely cares to impart his knowledge with others. INTJ
Janus operates logically, primarily, taking input in and processing it on a rational level first. Outside of his psychological status, his emotional state seldom comes into play when he makes decisions. He is an introvert, studying the world from the safety of within while occasionally, cautiously, venturing out to gather more information. He enjoys solving problems and organizing things. He has little patience for inefficiency or histrionics. He is content to sit back and study the world in peace, but he will take charge if everyone else available is utterly incompetent. Decline to state
Janus, much like every other sentient being, has his own views on the afterlife, the existence of a supreme deity (or, for some, deities, for others, the lack thereof), and whether there can be said to be an order or purpose for life itself. He has elected to keep such views to himself. Schizoid Personality Disorder
Janus is an overt schizoid, meaning that he presents himself as cold, stoic, and uninterested in others. He emotes little and rarely changes his tone of voice; in conversation, he frequently drifts into silence or keeps his replies curt. While it is possible for him to work alongside a group of people for a period of time, he almost never identifies himself as being a part of that group or forms connections with the members within it. He is intensely guarded of his thoughts, emotions, and identity; he won't hesitate to drop all contact with someone if they try to pry at him, or if it seems like he might be forming an attachment to them. Depression
Janus frequently encounters depression, what he terms "melancholia", to varying degrees. At its worst, it drives him deep into despair and isolation. Typically, it is hard to distinguish from his schizoid tendencies to be indifferent towards the world around him. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Janus suffers from PTSD, causing him to react adversely to anything which triggers memories of his former life as well as encounter disturbing dreams from time to time. Over time, he has been able to hide most of his reactions but he still struggles with them privately. Little to none, supposedly
Janus is guarded of his interests, sharing them with nearly no one. If one catches the rare glimpse of him partaking in his hobbies, or, even rarer, one manages to get him to open up about himself, he is actually quite interested in more than a few things. He enjoys reading, writing, and studying things, and while his artistic talents are rather less refined, the act of creating appeals immensely to him. He is intensely defensive of his works, though; it would take a monumental level of trust between him and another before he voluntarily shared one of his creations with them. |