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Biers (played by Ypres) | |
Arvex ran into him at Bocca's drinking contest. |
Kanakka (played by ComradeJohan) | |
Strange creature. Apparently he was created by the Drakorians? Either way, he seems eager to learn. |
Adaliah (played anonymously) | |
Arvex shares a bloodbond with this vampire, one which has brought the two of them closer and closer together. |
Unicus (played anonymously) | |
The Karkadann's vessel. Seems a friendly sort, all around. |
Nayara Gariard (played by Ahrun) | |
Arvex appears to be developing a friendly rivalry with the bronze feline as of late. |
Tyrania Sharptooth (played by NecraMancie) | |
Arvex suffered heavily at her hands during the siege. He wishes he had been the one who put an end to her, but alas, it was not to be. |
Blackwake (played anonymously) | |
He attacked Guildereim, kidnapped Trygve, and now threatens half the world with his dark magics. If it weren't for the fact that he needs to be taken alive, Arvex would be eager to put his sword to this human's neck. |
Sabaoth (played anonymously) | |
While Arvex didn't suffer quite as much at the Drakorian lieutenant's hands as he did at Tyrania, the hellhound still has no love for this Wyrmme. |
Penelope Cross (played anonymously) | |
The Englishman (played by Hooke) | |
Sareturu (played by Sareturu) | |
Nuzh di-Gahl (played by Bananasaurus) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Phiona (played anonymously) | |
Erimear (played by Catie) | |
Laetitia (played by Billi) | |
Joren (played by stonecoldwolfga) | |
Karkadann (played anonymously) | |
Tigerlily (played by Caroline) | |
Jinx Requiem (played by GreenWolf) | |
Bocca (played anonymously) | |
Loraen (played by Angela) | |
Nachtmahren (played anonymously) | |
She helped Arvex rid himself of bad dreams one night. |
Sorwyn (played by Caitlin) | |
Rahzy (played by Amity) | |
Arvex just cannot resist the urge to keep buying sweets from this cabbit. He's going to get very fat if he keeps this up... |
Gadadhara (played by Dothraki) | |
Azzaroth (played by isolationary) | |
Yoska (played anonymously) | |
Lithi (played by Eri) | |
Muunokhoi (played anonymously) | |
Archae (played anonymously) | |
Samantha Eld (played by autumn) | |
Zelanze Balestra (played by Zelanze) | |
Liam Deca (played by Felidaries) | |
Johari (played anonymously) | |
Arrow (played by stonecoldwolfga) | |
Amelia Lukin (played by CapnBekah_TightPants) | |
While he can't quite forgive her for having sided with Tyrania during the siege, Arvex slowly seems to be getting closer to this feline. |
Pellan-Mur'ss (played anonymously) | |
Campy (played anonymously) | |
Lise (played anonymously) | |
Cassien (played anonymously) | |
Arvex's former employer. |
Nadira Ruya (played anonymously) | |
Mikeayla Renard (played anonymously) | |
AVA (played by sulky) | |
Sura (played anonymously) | |
Xeit (played by TehSkitz) | |
Kaizen (played by Trishields) | |
The naga has proven to be a rather formidable foe in the arena- so far, Arvex has been unable to defeat him in combat. Perhaps that will change someday... |
Vivian Alexander (played anonymously) | |
Zirah (played anonymously) | |
Hazel (played anonymously) | |
Osman (played anonymously) | |
Solki (played anonymously) | |
Trygve (played anonymously) | |
Emplate (played anonymously) | |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Terrik (played anonymously) | |
Jocasta (played anonymously) | |
Graves Armstead (played by BrandyCat) | |
Anya (played by Lullaskye) | |
Sasha Pavolova (played by SashaPavolov) | |
Aurora (played by BrandyCat) | |
Shasta Ke'Alakoa (played by Ahrun) | |
Lanier (played anonymously) | |
Kabil(played anonymously) || October 21 2016, 8:50pmReply
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Q_ueenie || October 15 2016, 11:59pm
~my knight oh how you've captured my heart~"
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Xeit (played by TehSkitz) || May 2 2016, 10:26pm
That, so far, is the most interesting and disgusting thing I've seen in this place so far. But hey, if you need help again, come find me."
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Renoir (played by 2wo) || March 13 2016, 9:15pm
Sorry...not sorry?"
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Gypsy(played by Michonne) || July 20 2015, 8:22pmHope I didn't scare you too bad!
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || July 20 2015, 10:54pm
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Acaeus(played by Michonne) || July 11 2015, 9:47pmReply
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || July 12 2015, 10:46am
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Biers (played by Ypres) || May 31 2015, 4:08am
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || May 31 2015, 9:50am
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Chinja(played by Michonne) || March 22 2015, 8:10amReply
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || March 22 2015, 3:20pm
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Sadao (played anonymously) || March 2 2015, 9:55pm
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || March 2 2015, 10:33pm
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Bian(played by Orlee) || November 22 2014, 9:12pmReply
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Arvex Galerian (played by RemanLongtail) || November 22 2014, 9:39pm
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