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Jacob Cross (played by Cross) |
Lille (played by Teacup) |
Seamas (played anonymously) |
Ronney (played by Britty) |
Majestic (played by Luxe) |
Fennore (played by destroyer) |
DJANIRA (played by sulky) |
Mashenka (played by Devils_Ad) |
Hugh (played anonymously) |
Anja (played by IzzieBiz) |
Rose Gypsium (played by TheOtherEssie) |
Erimear (played by Catie) |
Kanrik Lolthsson (played by BRJRusso) |
Nowla (played anonymously) |
Florian (played by Fabl) |
Guidry (played anonymously) |
Romero (played by konnie) |
Acantha (played by Caberoni) |
Breyde (played by Ostracized) |
Rosca Santigria (played anonymously) |
Janvier (played anonymously) |
Fionnoula (played by TheOtherEssie) |
Intoxicant (played by Dothraki) |
Aurora (played by BrandyCat) |
Claire (played by Eris) |
Siena (played anonymously) |
Jan (played anonymously) |
René Noel (played anonymously) |
Trygve (played anonymously) |
Sura (played anonymously) |
Autumn (played by Zorkia) |
Jeanaia (played anonymously) |
Autumn (played by Zorkia) || April 16 2023, 12:46pm
DJANIRA (played by sulky) || May 31 2022, 2:02am
I've come home, petit diable- now the only thing that is missing is you.
Fragile(played anonymously) || February 28 2019, 5:18amTi amo più del sole e della luna, e ti amerò più a lungo di quanto le stelle brucino ,Patatino
René Noel (played anonymously) || November 21 2018, 9:33pm
" 'Pomme de terre' ...You think you're real cute, don't you?"
Fragile(played anonymously) || October 30 2018, 1:42amReply