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Rose Gypsium (played by TheOtherEssie) | |
Trystyn (played by Ostracized) | |
Arana Rothscomb (played by Spoody) | |
Corrine (played by iPet) | |
Fae'iqa (played by Jynx) | |
Eliana Hale (played by Eliana_Hale) | |
Kirala (played anonymously) | |
Biers (played by Ypres) | |
Aurora (played by BrandyCat) | |
Aasha (played by Angie) | |
Sugary (played by Jaz) | |
Mournfulness (played anonymously) | |
Aletha (played by Outlawkatt) | |
Dianna (played by Madam) | |
Sold (played anonymously) | |
Sherelle (played by Cass) | |
Satiah (played anonymously) | |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
Tillen (played anonymously) | |
Evanore (played anonymously) | |
Roon (played by Shinean) | |
Hiraku (played by mystic_kitsune) | |
Pixel (played anonymously) | |
Ksenia (played by Alyndrahnd) | |
Shyla (played anonymously) | |
Viviane (played by Say) | |
Erimear (played by Catie) | |
Phane (played by Amity) | |
Eloisa (played anonymously) | |
Nefra (played anonymously) | |
Bulg Gogi (played anonymously) | |
Helene Moonstrider (played anonymously) | |
Keefer (played anonymously) | |
Trygve (played anonymously) | |
Calytrix (played anonymously) | |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Alina (played anonymously) | |
Spirits (played anonymously) | |
Lili'ukeaka (played anonymously) | |
Ezra (played anonymously) | |
DJANIRA (played by sulky) | |
Irisi (played anonymously) | |
Pravidia (played by Angie) | |
Aletha (played by Outlawkatt) || June 20 2024, 5:31pm
Show me more wonders.. please.."
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Aurora (played by BrandyCat) || June 23 2019, 5:38pm
"I hope we can spend some more time together soon, Elliot. I find myself.. yearning for your company."
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Wylla (played anonymously) || September 13 2018, 10:39am
You are so much more than I believed, Master Marlowe. I hope to see you again soon.
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DJANIRA (played by sulky) || April 26 2018, 11:08pm
I wish to know all that there is to know. Then, I wish to know more.
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SOLD.(played anonymously) || March 21 2018, 9:27pm"Is this a common problem following your soirees, Master Marlowe..?"
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Tsia(played anonymously) || June 12 2017, 10:47pm"It seems I still have much to learn from you..."
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Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) || June 18 2017, 4:08pm
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Ytura (played anonymously) || March 8 2016, 6:05pm
Oh. Hm. Well aren't you intriguing?"
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Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) || March 11 2016, 2:00pm
Not so interesting as the tea, to be honest."
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Ytura (played anonymously) || March 11 2016, 4:14pm
I would have to disagree."
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Desirable(played anonymously) || August 23 2015, 8:05am"And I'll do everything I can to help you get through this, I promise."
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Marylynn(played anonymously) || August 11 2015, 11:36amEverything will be okay."
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Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) || August 11 2015, 5:27pm
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Marylynn(played anonymously) || August 12 2015, 8:01amReply
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Mikeayla Renard (played anonymously) || May 9 2015, 11:08am
And here I was, intent upon offering serious caution. Silver tongued cad, I'll look for you soon[/size]
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Elliot Marlowe (played by AcademyInvestigator) || May 9 2015, 11:27am
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Mikeayla Renard (played anonymously) || May 9 2015, 12:13pm
I would hope so!
It would be quite the shame to grow to miss our exchanges"
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