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Masculine † Hebrew † "God is my judge".
Masculine † Irish † "Little fire."
Surname † Hebrew † "Breach, burst forth, breakthrough."
The soul looks out the window into the mysterious starry night and is dazzled. |
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There's something disturbing about recalling a warm memory
and feeling utterly cold ________________ Daniel Aiden Pérez, was born in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. He was born around 2am at the local hospital. His mother – Annalise Pérez – and his father – Wyatt Andy Pérez – were overjoyed. Daniel would be their first child, and their only son. He grew up on a farm, surrounding by all sort of animals. He was blessed with an amazing childhood. The world was his oyster. Daniel was a well-liked child, he never had trouble making friends or getting the attention from the opposite sex. He was Mr. popular at the local high school, prom king as well. Daniel was a rather well-behaved child. He never really did anything, any other kid his age wouldn’t do. Sure, he would sneak out to get drunk with his pals, he would sometimes forget to do homework and he even cheated on one test, but nothing wilder than that. Daniel never had the desire to leave Jackson Hole, he always liked it! During the summer, he would make money touring tourist, showing them all sort of things, and in the winter, he would work at the big ski resort, training small kids how to ski. When Daniel got a little bit older, he got into bull riding. He liked the fast pace; he liked the danger of it. Daniel got good, Daniel got real good, he was set to compete in a big championship, when his mother passed away. A car accident. Daniel was heartbroken. He returned home to a broken home. His father was a shell of a man, and his little sister – always the happy go lucky girl – was so sad and fragile. He knew, he had to step up! He knew he had to be the glue that held the family together, but Daniel was always rather selfish, so he just left. He led his baby sister – only 17 at that time – take over all the responsibility. He just couldn’t stay in that house anymore. His mother was his everything! His sister was always daddy’s girl, but their mother, their mother was Daniel’s. With his mother’s death, something died inside Daniel. Daniel is now a two time champion in bull riding. He has gotten the nick name ‘the bad boy of the bull’. He is known to be a womanizer, to be a little troublemaker, always saying the wrong thing. He likes to have his drink, and he likes to have fun. He never really gets with the same girl twice, why should he? He is also terrible with interviews, always saying stuff he shouldn’t say! As the time he said, he didn’t really like milk, and everyone lost their shit. He does come home from time to time, but never for a long period of time. He loves his father and loves his sister; he would walk through fire for them, but he just can’t look at their faces. He KNOWS he let them down, especially his sister. He cannot stop thinking that she must hate him, sometimes he even hates himself. |