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ATTACK | 12 | DEFENSE | 12 |
SPEED | 12 | AGILITY | 10 |
Aydel Hlaalu (played by StyxTheMad) |
Loren Kelter (played by Cerviero) |
Ivan Kendell (played by Shade184) |
Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) |
Tatyana - K Sebroski (played by Msseptim) |
Dust(played by Quillweave) || January 4 2011, 10:55pmReply
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || December 20 2010, 10:17pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || December 21 2010, 5:43am
Yes - unlike you, my dear Brother in Evilness, I remained attractive enough to interest ladies."
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || December 21 2010, 6:06pm
Oh my *sniggers* And interest them in what exactly? *sniggers again* Ah, no wait, I know. Was it a "friend"-way, right? Ooooh, "friend's talks", "friend's secrets". Or maybe she sees in you her blue mushy friend-defender? Bwa-ha-ha-ha! .... *coughs* No, really?
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || December 22 2010, 5:01pm
And mind your own business, will you ? Not my fault if everyone finds you repulsive.
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || February 1 2011, 1:39am
I ... I'm sorry, did you said something? I was too distracted by your newest Journal entry. Oooooh. *wiping up happy tears* Congratulations! This is first time you get married, isn't it? *innocent smile*"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || February 2 2011, 8:49am
And, if eventually I would get married, it would be the first time, yes."
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || February 4 2011, 8:48pm
I'll wait invitation card for the ceremony
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || February 5 2011, 12:57am
*blinks again, before hissing in rage and pushing Humfield's hand away* I told you - I am not getting married yet. And are you trying to make me believe that someone as repulsing as you managed to get married ?"
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StyxTheMad || November 30 2010, 10:24am
Keep being awesome.
Aydel's creator
*scribbled* PFAH! You wish! I'm far better then you Mozenrak!
Signed: Aydel the Awesome"
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Aydel Hlaalu (played by StyxTheMad) || November 17 2010, 1:25pm
I see you decided to show up your "truuue colors", hm? BWAHAHAHAHA!
I knew you and Varda were definitely lesbians. Too bad you make such a ugly girl. *smug*"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 17 2010, 2:44pm
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Aydel Hlaalu (played by StyxTheMad) || November 17 2010, 7:15pm
And at least I'm not powered by mud, and I do not pretend to be smarter than I really am, like SOME."
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 17 2010, 7:20pm
I am not powered by mud, street scum, but by something beyond your extremely limited comprehension."
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Aydel Hlaalu (played by StyxTheMad) || November 18 2010, 11:52am
Really? How strange. It looks like mud, it smells like mud, it has the consistance of mud... But if it's not mud, I guess I can throw that bucket of water on your face then.
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 12 2010, 7:04pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 13 2010, 5:38am
You have nothing better to do, like setting up an evil plan to take over the world - evil plan which is going to fail, like all your other plan before ? *sniggers* >8D"
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 13 2010, 9:31am
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Carlota || November 13 2010, 10:27am
There is only one place in this world for ONE badass villain, and that is me - rainbow colour or not !
... by the way, what happened to your hair ? It looks terrible, yerk yerk yerk... >8D"
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 13 2010, 5:48pm
*sniffs but then smiles again with same interest* .... so, did you have it?"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 14 2010, 4:00pm
*raises an eyebrow* Did I have what ? Rainbow poney? Shampoo? Oo"
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 19 2010, 11:52am
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 19 2010, 12:32pm
*looks pretty serious as well* Admitting I have the Hermaeus Mora's Glasses, why shall I tell you...?"
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 19 2010, 2:09pm
..... I can see no reasons, but because of our strong friendship. *still looks at Mozzy's hair; pondering*"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 19 2010, 4:14pm
*eyes narrowing even more* Yes, I have Mora's Glasses *insert arrogant smile here*"
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 19 2010, 6:29pm
So you DO have The Glasses, and STILL looks like sissy low henchman? DDD:"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 19 2010, 6:35pm
*somewhere in his realm, Mora is bumping in the walls*
Mora: My glasses ! I can't see !
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Cerviero || November 19 2010, 7:11pm
evilinnocent sniggering here*"Reply
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Taren Humfield (played by Cerviero) || November 19 2010, 7:24pm
Anyway, I'm sure you'll be hearbroken, but I must leave you with your rainbow now. I'll try to convince Old Hug, so you and your brave pony will meet in dreams once again. *byebye*"
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 19 2010, 7:28pm
*lower voice* And don't worry, we shall meet again, old scarecrow."
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Carlota || November 13 2010, 5:41am
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Cerviero || November 13 2010, 9:34am
*gets a very amusing image of Mozzy, standing along his pets: llama, which chewing carpet, and little pretty rainbow pony* xD"
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Carlota || November 13 2010, 10:30am
Hmmm, Humffiled needs a poney too - a fat poney ! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_H8MWtiiVpb4/R_mfk0mq0FI/AAAAAAAAABo/T0anmWDXyRE/s400/shetland+pony.jpg"
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Cerviero || November 13 2010, 4:41pm
*has priceless mental image of two Evil villains on their dreadful steeds* xD"
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Carlota || November 14 2010, 3:54pm
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Quillweave || November 6 2010, 7:26pm
*braid's Mozzy's hair* 8D
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 13 2010, 5:35am
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Quillweave || November 13 2010, 7:10pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 14 2010, 4:01pm
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Quillweave || November 14 2010, 4:42pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 14 2010, 7:31pm
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Quillweave || November 14 2010, 11:32pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 15 2010, 4:37pm
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Quillweave || November 15 2010, 5:53pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 15 2010, 6:21pm
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Quillweave || November 15 2010, 7:07pm
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Mozenrak (played by Carlota) || November 16 2010, 12:08pm
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Quillweave || November 16 2010, 5:31pm
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