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Tondra Terene Opulitt Njort Nicknames Tonny, Mini, Pink Hobbit Age Ancient (looks 18-20) |
Female Race Starchild Occupation Freelance dancer |
Oversized hoodies Clothes allowing movement Lace, frills and ruffle Colors All types of pink |
Food and Drinks
Raspberries Hamburgers White chocolate Lemonade Icetea Other Dancing Heights Human culture Nightsky |
4ft 9in Weight 106 lbs Shape Spoon/Pear |
Eye color
Cardinal pink Hair color Deep Carmine Scars/marks None |
Tight pencil skirts Too neutral clothes Stillettos Colors Dark murky colors |
Food and Drinks
Black coffee Beer Oysters Broccoli Plums Other Splatter movies Humans hurting humans Bugs Isolation |
Physical Strenghts
Quick movments High jumps Very good vision Mental Strengths Staying Positive Quick learner Very kind |
Physical Flaws
Swimming Lifting heavy stuff Reaching the top shelf Mental Flaws Often too trusting Gets lonely quick Focus like a goldfish |
Outgoing Curious Doing too long hugs Fears Seeing more humans die Hospitals Causing trouble |
5ft 2in Weight 96 lbs Shape Spoon/pear |
Eye color
Cardinal pink Hair color Deep carmine Scars/marks none |