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![]() N A M E: Zi'rah N I C K N A M E:Zi, Yiyen, A G E: Early twenties G E N D E R: Female S P E C I E S: Fawn grizzle Saluki ![]() |
![]() O W N E R: The Dane L O V E R: None. B E H A V I O R: Stubborn, Aggressive, Loyal. S E X U A L I T Y : Bisexual, male preference. R O L E : Submissive only with force. ![]() |
H E I G H T: 5'11" W E I G H T: 120 lbs B U I L D: Lithe and refined. Pert, B-cup breasts, and small-set hips. Her curves are as subtle as her motives. P H Y S I C A L:Reaches around 42mph at full run. Heavily padded feet allow for great shock-absorption, which lends additional stamina. Jaws are strong, and incredibly powerful. She is capable of providing about 320 PSI of bite pressure. S C E N T: A rich and natural petrichor with hints of lemon and orange blossom. S C A R S: Thick gash upon her left ankle. Care to give her more? E Y E S: Unwavering tones of dark chocolate, framed with dark brows that lend a smoulder to her features. H A I R: Purest of whites, and stretching to the top of her back. F U R: Warm mocha, and soft to the touch. Rich vanilla cream blends upon her limbs and belly, where a longer, downier coat is present. T U R N - O N S: Aggression, blood, violence, suffocation, bondage, torture, pleasure denial. T U R N - O F F S: Weak men, dominant women, those that are "all bark, no bite." A L I G N M E N T: Lawful Evil. She does what is in her best interest, as well as in the interests of those who provide her pleasure. D I S O R D E R S: Sadomasochist, Hematolagnia, Erotophonophilia P H O B I A S:Wiccaphobia |
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R U M O R S:
❖ She sold her soul for freedom; it didn't work.❖ She killed three people who ventured into the Jungles of Guildereim. ❖ She ties up and whips her owner; He likes it. ❖ She smells fear. ❖ She pees on things to mark her territory. ❖ She's not nearly as clumsy as she appears sometimes. ❖ She intentionally aggravates patrons in the hopes of getting punished. |
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