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Wesley Uccello (played by GlaceLeau) |
Rufiel'ioah (played by inactiat) |
Aiutera Trahn'sio af Gnorahn (played by inactiat) |
Jilles Bandone (played by GlaceLeau) |
Luciatte Marun (played by inactiat) |
Samuel Raphael Kol (played by inactiat) |
Shuu na Huiro af Gnorauh'eol (played by inactiat) |
Halberg Troverkunst (played by inactiat) |
Ta'ahn Nio af Florehahn (played by inactiat) |
Tennant (played by GlaceLeau) |
Daniel Sunderland (played by GlaceLeau) |
Aleei'faie au Miuar (played by inactiat) |
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