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Played by a verified adult
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It was only a matter of time before I found you. It was always my duty to look out for you. It was always my choice to ensure your wellbeing. You were taken from me... From us... Have you forgotten your ties? Your lineage? They made you forget. They didn't want you to know who you really. are. So many nights I would look to the night sky, wanting to feel that connection. That familiar bond. You truly have forgotten. Well here I am, to remind you.
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It would be centuries before he had felt that small blip in his chest. The connection was always strongest during full moons. It was so strong not even the veils of hell could completely snuff it out. Flickering images could be seen. Chains. Silks and opium in the air. Slavery. How could one of his own be a slave? No. They were above chains. They were above shackles. But soon the vibrations of another could be felt. He freed Jace's kin. Gave her freedom.
It wasn't his place to step in. Especially in front of a King. So when she went centuries under the Dark One's careful eye, it was enough to suffice Jace. And soon he was cast off to the arenas again. Only to further that thirst and hunger for blood. Soon, he would be taken out of the arenas, serving as an advisor to the Council regarding warfare and punishment. Perfect for him, really. |
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The city is dark. Gritty. Blood gets washed into the sewer drains like sludge. Unnoticed. Flanked by two of his gang, he looks to San Angeles as a playground, a new arena. Laws and rules never phase him. Oh it had been too long since these streets felt a vibration of something darker than the shadows. And though he knew somewhere she was here... He wouldn't be phased. Not when he had come so far, to do so much.
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