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![]() The Quaesic Circle ▼
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"By all means play by their rules; when you tire of your master, you know where to find me." Goldfrapp - Cologne Cerrone Houdini Name: Cele Baudelaire. Titles: Mademoiselle. Capitaine. Nicknames: "Brattylaire". "Baldylaire." Affiliations: Quaesic Circle. Order of Hermes (House Tytalus). Gender/Sex: Cis Female. Height: 6'0" Weight: 125 lbs Age: Mid-to-late twenties. Build: Tall, lean, lightly muscled. Top-heavy, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. Moderate bust. Facial features: A heart-shaped face characterized by wide, expressive eyes, a pointed chin, a snobbishly upturned nose, and a small, pouting mouth. Voice: Grandiose, sonorous, and over-modulated, turning airy when laced with a threat. The French accent is barely discernible. Scent: Christian Dior's Balade Sauvage; notes of fig and citrus fruit, fresh and bracing, "reminiscent of the Mediterranean sun". Date of Birth: July 21st. Place of Birth: Rouen, France. Current Residence: Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California. Economic Class: Landed Gentry; subsists on passive income and the occasional commission. Occupation: Headhunter (figurative), fixer, arcanist. Languages: Parisian French, American English, a smattering of Spanish. |
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"Your personality is...how to put this delicately? Revolting." –Gossy
Baudelaire is the charming ringleader of the Seekers, handsome, cunning, flamboyant, ambitious, and prideful above all else. The Order despairs of her. She's earned a reputation for her "distasteful personality" among friends and rivals alike, owing to her smug, flippant demeanor. As likely to play up her superficial charm as she is to serve boldfaced threats, Baudelaire has a past littered with petty rivalries, adoring admirers, and exasperated mentors. Beyond her flirtatious insouciance, she is a driven, well-rounded mage who takes the Quaesitum very seriously. Her single-minded zeal for Ascension (whatever that entails) is rivaled only by her trust in her fellow Seekers, as Baudelaire never feels more powerful than when the Circle is in perfect harmony. Still, Baudelaire feels inferior to those hailed as prodigies or considered innately gifted in some domain. Such individuals tend to bring out the petty, rash aspects of her nature. ![]() |
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"Beware. She'll ferret out your weaknesses and keep them in her hair." –Kaloosh
A tall, leggy, brunette bombshell with an extravagant pouf to match her massive ego. She carries herself with the sort of shameless insouciance that might have been socialized out of a less willful woman early on, stylish garments sashaying about a lean frame and draping over the unexpectedly broad sweep of pale shoulders. Her foxlike face seems to readily flit from one lively expression to another, from infuriatingly smug smiles to broad, pearly-white grins, through every winking gesticulation and arched brow. Only when she means to seriously intimidate someone will she draw herself to her full height, eyes disturbingly wide and focused. Her speech is grandiose, sonorous, and over-modulated, turning airy when laced with a threat. The French accent is barely discernible. ![]() |
Name: Baudelaire Player: Toreth Chronicle: WoD |
Nature: Director Demeanor: Gallant Essence: Questing |
Affiliation: Order of Hermes Sect: House Tytalus Concept: Ringleader |
●●○○○○○○○○ WILLPOWER ●●●●●●●○○○ □□□□□□□□□□ QUINTESSENCE ■■■■■■□□□□□□ PARADOX □□□□□□□□□□□□ |
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"Never forget that Ziggy re-branded himself to pass as an incubus." –Gossy
Louche, lascivious, brutal, provocative, absurdly sensual; Axyzigal likens himself to sex on legs on drugs. He's an avid practitioner of the ecstatic arts (including, but not limited to, getting high as a kite and partaking in mind-meltingly intimate carnality), and delights in imparting lessons in total, compassionate abandon to the uninitiated. While he's proven capable of coaxing even the most reticent into his bed, to say Axyzigal is only in it for sex, drugs, and wanton hedonism would be a gross misrepresentation of his dedication to the Serpent Road. Underneath his shrewd, scheming exterior is an intense and sensitive temperament, searching for a state of everlasting Ananda through the mind–body–soul communion of sexual climax. ...Though he's certainly willing to walk other paths of ecstasy, from joyous pursuits like music to more violent, primal engagements in the grip of unconsciousness. Creation has a heartbeat, and Axyzigal seeks to connect himself and others to the pulse of the world, again and again—until he's nothing more than the beat in someone else's heart, pumping someone else's blood.
"The Cult thrives in the eternal second at the height of an elegant dance, the shuddering sensitivity of total exhaustion, and the lateral thoughts of an opened mind." –Mage: The Ascension Revised Edition, p.57
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"Goodness gracious." –An admirer
A prepossessing sort of man, tall, chiseled, and iconically punk, with sulfurous eyes wrung red against perturbing ink-black sclera. Eerie. Or handsome, if you like them tall, dark, and mind-blowing. He moves with the sinuous grace of a cat, smooth and sure, his broad, athletic body clothed in different textures of black (leathers, suedes, nylons, fishnets) and the occasional shock of red. Alternates on a whim between keeping his thick black hair swept casually to one side or slicking it into short spikes angled in every direction. Upon close inspection, one might find kohl smudged across his lower eyelids, an intricate set of subtle cartilage piercings, and nails sloppily painted in black polish. All in all, he's a fairly built dude who's clearly comfortable in his own skin, fond of curling his thin, expressive mouth into a sly grin, sharp at the corners. ![]() |
Name: Axyzigal Player: Toreth Chronicle: WoD |
Nature: Visionary Demeanor: Thrill-seeker Essence: Pattern |
Affiliation: Cult of Ecstasy Sect: Fellowship of Pan Concept: Sex Guru |
●●○○○○○○○○ WILLPOWER ●●●●●○○○○○ □□□□□□□□□□ QUINTESSENCE ■□□□□□□□□□□□ PARADOX □□□□□□□□□□□□ |
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"The soul of an entertainer. More mirror than man." –Sendai
Perceptive, imaginative, distant, performative, and pleasingly courteous, Kaloosh delights in their understated brand of showmanship. In everything, they seek to keep the audience guessing, whether it's a crowd attending a Cirque du Soleil show or friends who have known them for years. They despair of honest, straightforward communication—of words and motions that blunder thoughtlessly to their destination, without any care for that sacred rite of betweenness. Fittingly, their talents lie in the manipulation of patterns and spaces, constructing elaborate, reality-altering illusions that provoke questions about the nature of reality and the physical 'laws' that govern our world. Never one to bore their audience with simple optical illusions or mundane magicians' tricks, Kaloosh is a demanding sort of performer—the kind to summon one's rapt attention, push the boundaries of plausibility, and possibly even catalyze a mass Awakening. Of course, such endeavours carry great risk of Paradox to the mage. ![]() |
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"Can you imagine how dazzling we'd be if we took the stage together?" –Baudelaire
At first glance, this creature simply demands another. A cascade of colour and reflected light draws any onlooker's eye to a polished Venetian gold-leaf masque fitted over strong features, framed by plump lips and a squarish jaw. Thick brown hair trails in waves down their back, over a supple body draped in a shimmery, euphoric cacophony of chrome and reflective fabrics that serve as a mirror for the thoughts and impressions of any observer. They move with a smooth, measured gait as if floating on air, preceded by the heavy scent of bergamot and ishpink. Their voice is a rhythmic tenor, carrying a faint accent that's difficult to place: a blend of various lives in various cultures. ![]() |