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Played by a verified adult
name: Marcel Kristoff Zimmermann nickname: Marc, Zimms birthday: january 23rd age: 36 gender: male race: human, were something occupation: manages a bakery deli, hockey coach retired
education: associates, history majorprofessional athlete, represented Canada in Olympics orientation: recently came out as gay marital: single, heartbroken |
languages: English, Quebecois (fluent) voice: in public / accented handedness: left height: 6'2 weight: 210~ hair: brunette eyes: brown skin: tan, freckles and beauty marks birthplace: Outside Montreal, QC scent: old spice, cinnamon gum, fresh baked goods style: follows the trends, i suppose |
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Strengths: + keeps composed in public + strong immune system + loyal, devoted to those close to him + self-aware, respectful of others Likes: + sleeping in + war movies + the history channel + amateur photography + crunchy peanut butter w/ honey |
Weaknesses: - severe anxiety - heart on his sleeve, paints an easy target - antisocial by accident, comes across as cold - recovering addict - soft spoken, can get talked/walked over Dislikes: - tabloids & his celebrity status - warm & hot drinks - bigots and the mob mentality - being spoken down to - being assumed as just a 'dumb, steroid filled jock' |
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