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Tepes (played by Belial) |
Jason (played by Nelianelly) |
Opulent (played anonymously) |
Rurik (played anonymously) |
Jay Laveux (played anonymously) |
Jay (played by Mina) |
Virgil (played anonymously) |
Zulkral (played anonymously) |
Dallas (played by Reygr) |
Kirke (played by Blitzkit) |
Lorenza (played anonymously) |
Cypress (played by Alessa) |
Vladamir (played anonymously) |
Lark (played by Alessa) |
Chaz (played anonymously) |
Bella (played anonymously) |
Torin (played anonymously) |
Everly (played anonymously) |
Arianna (played by Merenrave) |
Violeta (played by Merenrave) |
Anthony (played anonymously) |
Mahntis (played by Rachie) |
Feiyan (played by Ariel) |
Joquin (played by Isnelx) |
Abellia (played anonymously) |
Alexial (played anonymously) |
Lilianna (played by Raerae) |
Edris (played anonymously) |
Ethel Holt (played anonymously) |
Kindred (played by Merenrave) |
Ruen (played anonymously) |
Marra (played anonymously) |
Duke (played by yourmom) |
Hettie (played anonymously) |
Ruca (played by Lyssic) |
Alarak (played anonymously) |
Mathers (played anonymously) |
Marcelus (played anonymously) |
Khaleya (played anonymously) |
Aileen (played anonymously) |
Campbell (played anonymously) |
Joel (played anonymously) |
Cypress (played by Alessa) || November 29 2019, 6:04pm
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Lorenza (played anonymously) || June 12 2016, 5:41pm
Come out, come out, wherever you are little cat.
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Virgil (played anonymously) || May 16 2016, 3:29am
Whoa. Now that's a sight for sore eyes."
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Sonya (played anonymously) || May 16 2016, 4:25am
Well come rest for a while then.
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Virgil (played anonymously) || May 16 2016, 4:33am
Oh. I'll come rest, alright.
Awwh yiss."
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Shannon(played anonymously) || April 27 2016, 9:18pmReply
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Jay Laveux (played anonymously) || April 18 2016, 12:54pm
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Sonya (played anonymously) || April 18 2016, 6:14pm
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