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Tigerlily (played by Caroline) | |
My Dog mom
The God's bring me grace Having you in my life I am whole. Having you to care about me.. I will not leave you in chains. I will not lose another mother to tragedy. I promise |
Inkless (played by Spoody) | |
Magpie How fast a friendship and how much I sorely needed such a confidant. A beautiful storyteller, but a best friend beneath it all. I would do anything for him. A pact to watch out or one another. Eldin will always be a part of me, now and forever, no matter where our slave paths find us. |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Loraen (played by Angela) | |
Canta (played anonymously) | |
Acaeus Vertis (played by Michonne) | |
Selfish! So be it! You don't understand what you do and how that manages to hurt the ones you claim to love. You only think of the things you want, you think nothing of what it would do to others. Selfish follower of a selfish Goddess. Lions understand Pack, Lions understand family.. you are no lion. Prey.. |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Master Cross - One of the Masters of the Tether. He is to be respected. He is also a great leader. |
Cordello (played anonymously) | |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) | |
Death - In the fight against the queen, he protected me, only to tell me I had to get married. Do I want to marry Death? |
Valentine Riker (played by EversongEternity) | |
Where have you gone pup? ...What has happened to you now that we've been cast to the winds. You will never be forgotten |
Khiara (played by BriThePanda) | |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Loraen (played by Angela) | |
Canta (played anonymously) | |
Acaeus Vertis (played by Michonne) | |
Selfish! So be it! You don't understand what you do and how that manages to hurt the ones you claim to love. You only think of the things you want, you think nothing of what it would do to others. Selfish follower of a selfish Goddess. Lions understand Pack, Lions understand family.. you are no lion. Prey.. |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Master Cross - One of the Masters of the Tether. He is to be respected. He is also a great leader. |
Cordello (played anonymously) | |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) | |
Death - In the fight against the queen, he protected me, only to tell me I had to get married. Do I want to marry Death? |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Loraen (played by Angela) | |
Canta (played anonymously) | |
Acaeus Vertis (played by Michonne) | |
Selfish! So be it! You don't understand what you do and how that manages to hurt the ones you claim to love. You only think of the things you want, you think nothing of what it would do to others. Selfish follower of a selfish Goddess. Lions understand Pack, Lions understand family.. you are no lion. Prey.. |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Master Cross - One of the Masters of the Tether. He is to be respected. He is also a great leader. |
Cordello (played anonymously) | |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) | |
Death - In the fight against the queen, he protected me, only to tell me I had to get married. Do I want to marry Death? |
Dynamene (played anonymously) | |
Loraen (played by Angela) | |
Canta (played anonymously) | |
Acaeus Vertis (played by Michonne) | |
Selfish! So be it! You don't understand what you do and how that manages to hurt the ones you claim to love. You only think of the things you want, you think nothing of what it would do to others. Selfish follower of a selfish Goddess. Lions understand Pack, Lions understand family.. you are no lion. Prey.. |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
Jacob Cross (played by Cross) | |
Master Cross - One of the Masters of the Tether. He is to be respected. He is also a great leader. |
Cordello (played anonymously) | |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) | |
Death - In the fight against the queen, he protected me, only to tell me I had to get married. Do I want to marry Death? |
Broamo(played by Michonne) || April 5 2019, 8:34amLove isn't just holding hands...and getting the happy end of things, Pixan.
Grow up
It comes with pain, baggage, and struggles.
But if you end up through all of that at the finish line, holding hands?
Then it is a love worth fighting for
I'm right here, fighting. Right here.
You just have to believe it first.
And ignore the lies that you know, deep down, Lily is feeding you.
I mean come on, who said I would be perfect at this? I've been trying to stop myself from drowning in pussy.
I have tried.
I just failed recently.
I got an idea, a deal we can make.
You try to believe that you can save me
and I stop drowning in pussy.
How about we try it?
Please. Pixan...You didn't come all this way to watch me die
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 30 2019, 11:08pmJust to throw me into her arms?
Just great.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 30 2019, 11:46pm
I came all this way because I dreampt you were dying!
I came all this way because somewhere in my stupid head I thought that you might need me!
I came all this way because.. you're an idiot.. because I love you
You have to go back to her.
You and she are bound, not just promised.. bound
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 30 2019, 11:52pmWhat do you think?
I like it
I think I'll embrace it even.
Since nothing here will embrace me ever again.
You go back, Pixan.
And quit telling me your lies.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 31 2019, 12:00am
You aren't allowed just to quit whenever you feel like it!
You seem to think that I haven't been the one hurt and ripped to shreds by your[/i lies
You're not you!
You're not my Balto like this!
I do love you!
I've done nothing but love you!
Even when you've left me! Even when you've hurt me!
Evening standing here wanting to be with you
But how am I supposed to believe that you love me
When you give up on me so easily
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 31 2019, 12:04amI think you forget whose life this is
It's mine. Pixan.
I'm not YOURS, remember?!
I told you before, I'm not repeating my words.
Believe them or don't, that's not my choice to make for you.
Good bye, Pixan
This is final, just like you want.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 31 2019, 12:13am
Now you want it to be your life?
Now it's not Tribe, or another Arkana?
Now it's yours.. to do everything you want, right!?
Where was this when I was begging you!
Where was this determination against your tribe
Where was this when I needed you the most to love me?
I wanted you.. I've always wanted you..
But it has always been me coming to you
It's always been me ripping out pieces of myself and you looking at me just like this
Your hurt me... and I still love you
You leave me.. and I still want you
I gave up Lily being safe for you..
And you still give up...
Till the end of my days and even if you never believe me Balto... nothing in me is happy without you
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 31 2019, 12:31amYeah, my life. To love someone who won't ever love me back.
Great fucken life. Been down that road twice. I'm good. I'm fucken done with that road.
Clearly, you didn't believe me earlier. Which hah. Apparently wasn't even a hallucination
Just my fucken life, right?
Wanted me
How about loving me for a damn change?
Oh wait, too much pain and baggage right? Well, that's always the case.
I know, I fucked up too much Pixan, trying to absolve you from all of this and instead it's all hammering down on you.
Sucks doesn't it?
Well let me know how it feels to stare at your ripped out heart.
Been there three times and still tried to love you despite me ripping out my OWN DAMN HEART so you could MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
Yeah, no I'm the bad guy
Always fucken will be. Sick of hearing the story, go sob to someone fucken else.
I will always love you Pixan, that doesn't change ever, unfortunately.
But no, I'm not gonna come crawling back on all fours rolling over belly up begging you to love when you clearly just want to throw me into the arms of a heartless bitch.
I'd rather go heartless.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 14 2019, 5:26pmMy Sun. I love you and I always will.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 6 2019, 3:29pmDying to see you again
Okay so maybe it's not that funny....
I'm trying Pixan
I'll do my best for you. Promise.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 6 2019, 3:44pm
You tricky Mutt.. Be careful.
The more you say things like that, the more I might think you actually like me.
For yourself. For your own life.
I'll do my best, and fly my fastest.
Soon. I promise. Soon
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 6 2019, 4:16pmIf you come to me in time...Pixan?
I'll say way more then that.
What life do I have left?
I used to have so much more
Now I have very little...and none of it makes me feel...fulfilled.
Not light hearted or free
Not too fast Pixan. I don't like flying.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 7 2019, 1:55pm
Sure Balto ...but save it for when I see you next.
You never know what the future holds.
What's done is done. All you can do is fight for the future you want
Flying is exhilerating. You're really missing out, Mutt.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 7 2019, 2:08pmYeah?
Fight against you? Think I'd lose that one right now...
But it doesn't mean I'm giving up even if I am gonna lose
Not flying. Ever. Pixan. Never. And no dolls.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 7 2019, 7:03pm
Remember when I knock you on your ass, you asked for it
I don't know you usually fight me.
I've just learned the lesson you've been trying to teach me.
Scaredy Cat
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 7 2019, 7:14pmSure you wanna go that far again?
Wait so...not only did I learn my lesson from you..
But you learned your lesson from me?
Shit it's backwards day
Coming from the pussy
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 7 2019, 7:32pm
Anytime you wanna get knocked on your ass..
I'll be more than happy to oblige.
... I don't even know what to do with you right now, Mutt
Go put your head down, you're going to need your strength
I'm not that girl anymore.. that you used to call that
And you shouldn't pick up that nickname again
We got carried away before and we know how that ended..
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 7 2019, 7:42pmIt's cute that you think it'd be so easy.
You gonna earn it this time
Then don't know, just wing it.
Maybe soon, right now I just want to be here a little longer...before...
I only got so much more time left, Pixan.
Look whose talking? Scaredy Cat?
Do I look like a cat to you?
I know she's still there somewhere
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 7 2019, 7:52pm
You don't have enough of an army to make it hard for me.
I've beat you once, I can do it again.
We're not talking about flying lessons.
We're talking about betrayal, broken promises and a shattered heart.
It's not important right now.
What's important is this fight. Is finding a way to save you.
After all... I'm not ready to worship some Mutt's star..
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 7 2019, 7:57pmDon't need one
I can take you all out by myself.
Well...I don't have any jokes for that.
But I did tell you why
And I...I can understand if you don't want to forgive me Pixan...
But if you aren't forgiving me..
Why come?
Good luck, like I said.
And no...you shouldn't worship it. You should curse it. If I was you...
It's what I'd do
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Pixan (played anonymously) || March 8 2019, 7:36am
You wish it would be so easy
But that's okay, underestimate me..
It'll make it that much more fun.
Forgiveness isn't instant, Balto
I want to believe you.. I do.
But maybe that's why....
I'm not heartless Balto.
As much as I've tried not to care, I still do.
You can't die.. and I'll save you somehow
....You've always hated yourself, but I promised a long time ago.
I would always worship you
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || March 8 2019, 1:36pmFun? With me?
Come on now, don't be ridiculous.
It'd just be a good warm up.
I know it isn't....but why come if you don't believe in it fully?
I never asked you to promise to be heartless....
In fact, I asked you the opposite.
I know
I knew all along that you still cared for me, Pixan. You don't bullshit as well.
But that's a good thing.
A little worship wouldn't change the self loathing instantly....but sure Pixan.
Do you
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Tigerlily (played by Caroline) || December 28 2018, 12:00am
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 9 2018, 8:05amReply
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 9 2018, 8:44am
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 9 2018, 2:23pmYeah....
I don't like to look at me either.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 9 2018, 4:49pm
I don't know what you're looking for here.
I don't know what you're expecting me to say.
Every single one of my kindnesses have been entreated with hostility
...so what do you want..
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 9 2018, 6:46pmWhy...
Why offer kindness after all the shitty shit I did to you?
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 9 2018, 8:31pm
You'll never understand. You'll never listen to me.
I'm just an outsider to you
So what does it matter what I say?
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Tigerlily (played by Caroline) || December 9 2018, 9:01pm
He's spoken for. Remember?"
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 10 2018, 8:09amSpoken for...not spoken for...
Doesn't change shit in the end does it?
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 10 2018, 5:21amI might surprise you on understanding.
Don't act like you don't understand why I said those harsh things...
Don't you dare
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 10 2018, 6:44am
And you're likely doing it again!
Like I said, I'm just an outsider to you!
Someone you use and throw away when you've got what you wanted.
Well now, you've got what you wanted
Now tell me what you want from me..
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 10 2018, 6:52amHeh....
What use do you have to me now?
I can only save myself, nobody else can. And I wouldn't want you to risk yourself over an nobody like me.
What do I want from you?
Why. Still. Care?
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 10 2018, 7:06am
. . .
Why does it matter?
My reasons are my own, and you knowing changes nothing
I answer to no one anymore.
I'm not the one in chains.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 10 2018, 7:31amThen I have my answer
At least my chains don't involve you.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 10 2018, 7:38am
You think you know, but you know nothing.
You've never known anything.
You've made up your mind and been wrong at every turn
So thank you for reminding me..
Aana was right about you..
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || December 10 2018, 7:58amShe is
Stay away...Pixan.
I don't need this on top of everything else.
Don't you dare rent me
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Valentine Riker (played by EversongEternity) || March 29 2018, 8:20pm
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Hexx(played anonymously) || December 11 2017, 7:57pmThey've done what no one could.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || December 11 2017, 8:07pm
...I will make them pay for what they've done to you Hexx... I will free you.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || August 10 2017, 7:06pmMaybe yet, you can still be one of us.
Maybe yet
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Pixan (played anonymously) || August 10 2017, 7:21pm
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || August 10 2017, 7:32pmIt's a stretch?
I don't know if my people would be accepting of it anyway...
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Pixan (played anonymously) || August 10 2017, 7:41pm
They won't or You Won't?
I should be careful not to hope for too much.. My heart has a tendency of being broken when I do
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Khiara (played by BriThePanda) || August 6 2017, 7:08pm
"I am so sorry," Khiara whispered. "Please don't hate me.""
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Pixan (played anonymously) || August 6 2017, 7:20pm
I could never hate you, or blame you. I blame Him"
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || August 2 2017, 8:39amReply
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Pixan (played anonymously) || August 2 2017, 8:40am
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 8:36pmYou fight good...
And hell.
Look sexy
Let me.. uh...
Let me heal those wounds?
I promise I won't linger that touch...
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 10:03pm
You fight pretty good yourself.
...did you just call me sexy?
Don't worry about me. I'm okay
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 11:51pmYep.
Hey thanks...
M. Look at your reflection lately? Pix?
Only proves that you are my sun
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 31 2017, 1:34am
Of course and you're welcome
That's your proof? I step on a fairy after you basically collapse into me, and that is your proof?
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 31 2017, 1:48amYou better.
Wait, I think I may have a solution...
Why don't you kick Sun Chiefs' ass?
You know, give him what you gave me in that arena...
Do I need any more?
You are one of us. Kamales has proven that, even if you claim it's just you stepping on a fairy.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 12:44amAre you fucken kidding me?
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 2:02am
Don't look at me like that
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 2:08amI can't stop.
Beleive me, I'm trying to stop looking at you like that.
You don't get it do you?
I am fighting for you.
Lily hasn't told you...has she?
This...we are a risk, to you.
Would you punch me if I said that I can't get you out of my head?
I should stop talking huh? Sorry...
I'll uh...I'll go.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 2:24am
I'm looking at you not Lily to tell me anything
I don't have that luxury.. because I can't make someone love me that doesn't..
I don't care what you think you're doing for me. I don't care you think I'm going to somehow be hurt by you.
Your absence is what is killing me.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 2:41amWhat do you want me to say, Pixan?
I'm an incomplete asshole and always will be.
Should I disregard my people who need me too, Pixan?
Should I lose my entire tribe for you?
That person is you.
That makes me feel alive...
If I stay...Pixan...if I stay....
My imbalance will be balanced, and my tribe will exile me.
Tell me, what do I do?
I don't know what to do.
But I can't...
I can't stay away
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 3:19am
I want you to tell me the truth Balto.
Am I worth losing your whole tribe?
Do they care about your misery, about all the things you hide?
I know when you're gone, I miss you.
I know when you're not here, I'm miserable.
I know facing days and weeks without you seem like the worst things in my world.
It should be enough, right?
To know I had you for a moment?
I should let you go, shouldn't I?
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 3:30amI can't leave you.
I am telling you the whole truth. All of it.
I don't know
If you are yet, Pixan.
But I know I can't stand letting you walk away either.
I know...that I love you.
They do care, in their own way they show it.
Just is harsher than your ways.
I'm dying inside...daily.
You're my sacrifice, that's what I told myself.
But what if I can't make that sacrifice, Pixan?
It's not enough
It's never enough, is it?
This dance...
It just won't stop
Because I can't stop it.
And nor can you.
I'm fighting this for my tribe, you understand that, right?
I have to help them first, before I let myself go from them.
Perhaps then...
We don't have to run anymore
Can you wait?
Can you wait for me, Pixan?
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 3:59am
I choose you, Balto
Believe me when I say that.
I can't make you choose. I won't because that will make me no better than them.
I know only wat my heart demands.
My fragile stupid litle heart.
You're fighting for them
I'm fighting for you
Tell me when, and I will run with you to the edge of the stars.
Until the stars fill the sky and turn night to day..
Until you tell me you don't love me anymore
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 4:13amI'm sorry I can't say the same yet...Pixan.
Soon I can walk behind and not look back with guilt, but pride at what I accomplished before I leave to my Sun.
How could I walk away or lie when I can't help but show it every time I look at you now, Pixan?
I do love you. I do. and I always will too.
Not to the edge of the stars...but how about to the edge of the Sunny fields?
Say it won't be long.
Pray it won't be long
Pray for me Pixan...
I've prayed for you every day.
Forever is too long of a wait already
Yet I'll fight that desire for now...
For them
Help me in this...and I swear to you Pixan...
I won't look back when we run from this place.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 1:32pm
Promise me, one day.. one day you will.
We'll both be free.. free to go and do whatever we want. Just us against the world.
I won't let you fail. I won't let them stay trapped either.. even if none of them acknowledge me.
That means anywhere.. anywhere you'd want to go, anywhere we'd be together.
However long it takes.
Whatever tries to stop us.
I will wait for you
I will fight with you
I believe in us
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Valentine Riker (played by EversongEternity) || July 21 2017, 3:42pm
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 21 2017, 6:59pm
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Valentine Riker (played by EversongEternity) || July 27 2017, 8:42pm
*Pets* Val has not forgotten Kitty
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 19 2017, 9:17pmAlways happy to see you Pixan.
Even if I can't express it how I want to every time.
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 19 2017, 9:51pm
Even the smallest gestures mean the world to me.
I'm always happy to see you too, even if you can't see it, even if I don't look it.
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Broamo(played by Michonne) || July 30 2017, 1:20amWe should find a private nap spot.
Where it's barren of life
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Pixan (played anonymously) || July 30 2017, 1:39am
I like the sound of that. "
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