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¦L E G A L N A M E¦ Michael Alexander Godwin III ¦N I C K N A M E S¦ Michael, Alex, or goes by Godwin ¦A G E¦ 34 ¦B I R T H P L A C E¦ British Columbia, Canada |
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¦G E N D E R¦ Male ¦S P E C I E S¦ Human ¦H E A L T H¦ Physically - 100% ¦S E X U A L I T Y¦ Heterosexual |
¦H E I G H T¦ 6'1 ¦W E I G H T¦ 181 lbs, 82kg ¦B O D Y T Y P E¦ Mesomorph ¦F E A T U R E S¦ "Beauty" spot on cheek |
¦E Y E S¦ Dark blue ¦H A I R¦ Dark blonde, blonde facial hair ¦S T Y L E¦ Hair is worn long and messy. Clothing is casual, comfortable, loose-fitting and layered. ¦P O S S E S S I O N S¦ Phone, wallet, pocketknife, keys to a car, motorcycle and home. |
¦T A T T O O S¦ None yet - more to come eventually. ¦S C A R S¦ None yet - why not pick a fight and give him one? ¦J E W E L R Y¦ Occasionally wears a large wristwatch. ¦S C E N T¦ Clean; fresh laundry scent and natural odors. "Eros" - Versace cologne. |
¦P E R S O N A L I T Y¦ Study from afar, speak when spoken to. A shy and modest individual that does not often seek the company of others. He likes to think he prefers the solitude but he eventually finds a longing for companionship and friendship. Often the one to be walked over, but not because he does not realize it, but instead prefers to avoid the conflict or confrontation to stop others from abusing his generosity. Slow to trust. ¦O U T L O O K¦ Pessimist/Realist ¦Q U I R K S¦ Enjoys chewing on things - pens, tooth picks, straws. Prone to fidgeting out of anxiety or boredom. ¦F L A W S¦ Easily addicted to substances. Somewhat emotionally fragile and socially awkward. |
¦P H O B I A S¦ Thantophobia- Fear of death or dying. ¦V I C E S¦ Recovering alcoholic, smoker. Greedy, secretive, self indulgent and impetuous. ¦H O B B I E S¦ Cars, motorcycles, woodworking, camping, body-building and health, nightlife and bars, "going out" and gambling. ¦M O R A L I T Y¦ Somewhat moral, holds a sense of compassion and empathy; known to ignore legalities and customs. Cooperates well, for the most part. |
¦O C C U P A T I O N¦ Motorcycle technician. ¦A F F I L I A T I O N S¦ Plays left wing in hockey - flaky in appearances. No other clubs/gangs joined. |
¦L O V E I N T E R E S T¦ Ella. ¦S T A T U S¦ Couch potato. |
¦P A R E N T S¦ Father unknown/Step father deceased, mother deceased. ¦S I B L I N G S¦ Sisters and brothers are off doing their own things. |