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![]() Powers.
Shape shifting. Vince can change his shape to glamour his true for into that of a human. In this form, nothing about him easy to detect as fae from sight alone. Even his eyes, though unusual, can be placed to just being a strange shade. He can also maintain the image of his true fae form, at human size. Chlorokinesis. The manipulation of plants/vegetation. Able to cause plants to grow to any size and control them to do his bidding. Can cause vines to grow and use them as a weapon. In turn, plants seem to respond to his mood. Happy and they seem to bloom with life. Angry or sad, and they wither and can even perish if pushed to true grief. Healing. Mostly limited to plants. Damaged, sick and dying plants can be mended back to full health. Where a plant dies, its seeds can be taken and fertilized in its place. There is the potential for him to learn how to heal animals/humans, but since he is still young and has no practice, it would take a lot of focus. Longevity. Though not immortal, his lifespan will greatly exceed that of any human. He is also far more durable than a human would be, and able to endure a greater amount of damage than a typical human would. This does not mean it is impossible to kill him. Energy sap. Drain the life from either the surrounding earth and plants which can then be, in turn used to heal himself, at the cost of leaving him weak on energy for a long while. Usually only done in small amounts so as to not hurt the earth, but can be used as needed. A channeled spell that can be interrupted easily. | XXX |
![]() Fae Blood
Glamour. Fae blood is the very thing that can be used to create glamour for those who are unable to do such on their own. When taken, his blood can be crafted into use for just this. Attraction. To a supernatural, the smell of fae blood can be alluring. It is known to cause vampires to enter a drunken state, but such could happen to any blood drinker. Sun protection. A vampire that consumes fae blood will be granted temporary immunity to the sun. This typically only lasts a maximum of an hour, though, and it does not help any potential sensitivity their eyes might have to it. | XXX |
![]() Weaknesses.
Iron. It hurts. A lot. Being around anything iron without even making contact can make him appear a little on the drowsy side, though this can be missed. On contact to the skin, it will both burn his flesh and weaken him dramatically, causing him to lose more and more strength the longer he is in contact with it. Any wounds internally with a weapon made of such can be potentially life threatening. Lemon and lime. It's poisonous, and makes him violently ill. Large quantities would need to be ingested to be truly damaging, but could potentially push him into a comatose state. Compulsion. Any promise that he makes he has to keep, no matter what. If he doesn't he begins to get fidgety and stressed. He'll start to have nightmares, and find it more and more difficult to control himself until said promise has been adhered to. Salt/Sugar grains. More of an urge than a weakness, and one that can be ignored. When salt or sugar is spilled out in front of him, he gets an overwhelming desire to count each and every single grain. It can be looked past, with a great amount of effort, but can keep him wonderfully distracted, too. |
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