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Always | Sometimes | Maybe - Let's talk | Never |
Maybe - Let's talk
❖ What my character does is their business and I may not approve of it in reality. < Click here to see full explanation >
Before taking part in roleplay with me, I must mention that the thoughts and actions of my character are their own and may not represent my personal OOC ideals and/or opinions. Roleplay is not real life. Don't think that just because something immoral, questionable or suggestive happens in RP means that I might be okay with it in reality. ❖ Don't be oversensitive about what happens in roleplay. < Click here to see full explanation >
Any liking, disliking, aggression or projected negativity within RP is not to be taken out of context or out of character, as insult or otherwise. It's ROLEPLAY. If you don't like what's going on in an RP situation, all you have to do is let me know rather than taking anything personally. ❖ If you are under 18 years old, don't RP with me. < Click here to see full explanation >
I do not under any circumstances RP with anyone under the age of 18, IC or OOC. If I find out you are underage and trying to RP with me in an explicit fashion, I will block you, and even report you if necessary depending on the situation. ❖ Ask permission before you attempt anything drastic to my character. < Click here to see full explanation >
My character is NOT "no consent". You will need to ask or talk to me about certain things, usually that which involves the use of anything that would render my character immobile, intoxicated or injured. Controlling my character without my permission is a big no-no, and I will call you out on it if it happens. ❖ I prefer private one-on-one RP. OOC is either via whisper or within [ brackets ]. Long-term is awesome. ![]() |
❖ RP should be fun for both of us. If you aren't having fun, tell me. < Click here to see full explanation >
RP is something I do for enjoyment, and I want it to be mutual. If you aren't enjoying our RP, tell me. I need communication, because I'm not a mind-reader. I am flexible and easy to work with, provided you are open with me in the first place. I do try to write with the best grammar I can manage, and only want the same amount of quality in return. Typos happen, but if you don't know the difference between "there", "they're" and "their", we're gonna have a problem. ❖ Sex is fine and all, but there's more to RP than just that. < Click here to see full explanation >
I do not prowl for RP with the sole intention of getting/giving a hot dicking. Sex (or any variation of it) can prove useful for character and plot development, but is not the main focus when it comes to RP itself. Although I mention myself not minding themes of a sexual or mature nature (which includes but isn't limited to nudity, implied or explicit sexual activities, swearing, blood and gore, drug use, and so on), I do not draw the line there! Don't be afraid to contact me to talk about possible interactions. ❖ Tell me you're bored or whatever rather than logging off on me during RP. < Click here to see full explanation >
Seriously? Rather than being immature and just plain logging off on me, the most you can do is give me the courtesy of just saying you don't feel compatible or something. Of course, if it was an accident or something came up that needed your immediate attention, the power went out, etc -- That's understandable. I don't mind. ❖ For the love of god DO NOT BE A CREEP OR ATTENTION WHORE. < Click here to see full explanation >
I will be your friend or whatever, but I will NOT be your therapist. The quickest way to make me drop you like a hot potato is to begin telling me about extremely personal information or disturbing/traumatizing life stories. Please, just don't. Talk to someone that can actually help you. Also, DO NOT flirt with me, or talk to me with the hopes of "dating" me. What the fuck? JUST NO. ❖ No, I won't "tone down" my RP. Swearing, explicit scenes, nudity - If you can't handle that, I suggest you move on. |