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★ Disclaimer This character and the artwork contained therein of said character are credited to myself and to respective artists detailed in gallery images. Any other pieces, such as the dividers and other image additions have their creators listed or are unknown but all are considered 'free use.' Selune was inspired by various media that includes but isnt limited to; Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, The Last Unicorn, The Unicorn Chronicles and other sources. Her initial concept is a purchased adopt from FAZ. |
★ Preferences Here is a short summary of my preferences in regards to roleplay and what I expect of my partners. General respect and open communication is appreciated; I will not interact with characters under 18 and prefer my partners be over 18 OOCly. I do not tolerate OOC drama or the whole 'he said, she said' nonsense. Please dont whisper me with emotes like 'hugs, touches, pets' etc if we're just meeting one another. |