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ᛝNameᛝ Barton Free ᛝNicknamesᛝ None that are flattering. ᛝAgeᛝ 34 ᛝSexᛝ Male ᛝRaceᛝ Human |
ᛝPlace of Originᛝ Unknown ᛝSocial Statusᛝ Outcast, Rebel, Vagabond ᛝAlignmentᛝ Chaotic Neutral ᛝClassᛝ Ranger/Rogue ᛝCurrent Statusᛝ Wandering |
ᛝHeightᛝ 5'10" ᛝWeightᛝ 160 lbs ᛝBuildᛝ Thick and somewhat stocky. ᛝComplexionᛝ Pale, but flushed. ᛝFaceᛝ Blocky and angular, gruff cheeks. |
ᛝEyesᛝ Bland brown. ᛝHairᛝ Auburn streaked with grey. ᛝScarsᛝ Many, but most notably a large one punctured between his lips on the left side. ᛝOther Marksᛝ None, though he has a fascination with tattooing and a desire for his own one day. ᛝVoiceᛝ Gruff and choppy, full of salt. |
ᛝMajor Traitsᛝ Scheming, self-serving, untrusting, defiant, chatty, partier, protective, snarky, lonely ᛝLikesᛝ Tobacco, strong drink, clear nights, thunderstorms on the horizon, bustling taverns, commitment free nights ᛝDislikesᛝ Authority, rain, crows and ravens, pious folk, the overly serious ᛝFearsᛝ Crows, wide open spaces ᛝAspirationsᛝ A crown and keys to a kingdom with no one else in it. |
ᛝSkillsᛝ Tracking, wildcraft, hunting, public speaking, archery ᛝQuirksᛝ Though he comes across as a very self-assured man he can often sink into strong self deprecation when speaking to someone he actually holds in high regard, though this doesn't happen often. Fidgets uncontrollably with his hands and has to hold things to keep from tapping or jiggling. ᛝSexualityᛝ Heterosexual, he will very strongly tell you and deny anything to the contrary to a suspicious degree. ᛝAttractionsᛝ Thin waists, soft voices, hair to run his fingers through and a rear to slap. ᛝRepulsionsᛝ Brats, bossy folk, mother hens, commitment |