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NAME Trinnean ALIASES/NICKNAMES Trini, Trin AGE 18 DOB February 14 |
GENDER Presents obviously male SPECIES Human/Fae SUB-SPECIES bow wow RACE Caucasian |
HEIGHT 5'0" WEIGHT 125 lbs BUILD Closest is ottermode FACE CLAIM Aurora Aksnes VOICE CLAIM TBA |
SCARS Small cut on face. Burns on back. Healed mauling at left shoulder. Healed mauling at left hand. PIERCINGS None TATTOOS None STRENGTHS Decent constitution WEAKNESSES Human weaknesses |
BALANCE A little under average SKIN Albino EYES Green (red tint to pupil) HAIRSTYLE Short bob, cut straight HAIR COLOR White |
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral RELIGION None LOVES Family, cats DISLIKES Blood, Fae |
GOOD TRAITS Loving, protective BAD TRAITS Temperamental, impulsive GOALS Cliche vengeance QUIRKS Takes notes on people he meets. |
FEARS Death, attachment, loneliness MENTAL ILLNESSES Manic depression STABILITY 40% WILLPOWER Medium |