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Name: Antonia Charo Riguez.
Gender: Female. Age: She is 28 years old. Eyes: Brown. Hair: Long and very dark brown, almost black. |
Height: 5'4½ (1.64 m).
Weight: 56 kg or 123.5 pounds. Build: Slim with curves, you can see she has muscle because of training. Complexion: Latina. Signature: Always wearing lipstick. Occupation: Martial Arts trainer. |
Handedness: Right.
Sexual orientation: Bisexual. Relationship status: Single. Likes: Training, sometimes being alone, sometimes being around friends, leather jackets, happy endings, justice, challenges, honesty, trust, dancing, music, taking her own choices. Dislikes: Liars, manipulative people, innocent people getting hurt, discrimination, having no choice. Face claim: Emeraude Toubia. |