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Played by a verified adult
New Versailles |
ϡ real name: James Carcin
ϡ given names/nick names: James, Jim, Car ϡ sex: xyϡ gender: male, masculine tendencies ϡ age: 33 ϡ species: faeblooded* ϡ generation: 3rd Generation* (1/8 Fae, 1 Great Grandparent) ϡ current state: optimistic, enthusiastic, over-worked, romantic ϡ current health: ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀ ϡ current afflictions: none ϡ current money: Some cash & Credit cards in his wallet ϡ current possessions: several trunks full of various clothes, more trinkets from travels than he could cound, a few weapons (both antique and contemporary), English identification documents, US birth certificate, more various books and ledgers than he can actually count. ϡ current clothing: wardrobe gallery to come soon ![]() ![]() |
b i r t h ᛭ birthday: july 29** ᛭ zodiac: leo* ᛭ age: 33* ᛭ sex: xy; male gender role ᛭ species: faeblooded* ᛭ mortality: extended longevity ᛭ birthplace: New Versailles, LA*
s t a t u s
᛭ occupation: private investigator ᛭ class: working middle class ᛭ business affiliations: The Carcinogen Agency ᛭ living relatives: has an estranged sister* ᛭ assets: a completely normal flat in a completely normal apartment building in the Historic District
s e n s e s
᛭ vision: sharp; uses glasses to suppress Fae Sight* ᛭ voice: low baritone, rough from cigarettes and smoothed by magic ᛭ accent: a rough cross between Southern American & British English ᛭ hearing: no boons here, standard mortal hearing ᛭ languages: english (spoken, written, read) latin (spoken, written, read) german (spoken, written, read) old english (minor; written, read)* ᛭ dominant hand: righty
a p p e a r a n c e s
᛭ eyes: hazel green with flecks of amber brown ᛭ hair: usually in need of a trim, mahogany brown ᛭ complexion: irish and pale; burns easier than he tans ᛭ birthmarks: claims to have a birthmark on his rear end * |
p r e s e n c e
᛭ height: 6'1" ᛭ build: Athletic arms and legs, no tone in abdominals ᛭ stance: relaxed, hands in pockets with a mild slouch when in casual company; clients are met with a bit more formality
r o m a n t i c
᛭ sexuality: outwardly pursues women, though no social media exists to confirm or deny past relationships* ᛭ dominance: happy to play either side of the dance, there's little outward aggression to suggest the manifestation of such in the bedroom.** ᛭ marital status: single; dating
f a c a d e
᛭ clothing: typically casual in style, flannels and loose shirts beneath his standard brown leather jacket (see gallery); Business attire may include a blazer; mostly earth tones and dark greys in tone.* ᛭ favored scents: typically sweet and woodsy; not above wearing rose blended with his cologne ᛭ scars: several, all concealed by heavy arcane glamouring** * ᛭ tattoos/piercings: various arcane & Fae runes, sigils, & Ogham upon his palms, hands, wrists, fingers, and forearms; most are black.*
b a l a n c e
᛭ diet: doesn't cook at home much, orders to-go from the diner 4 nights out of 7; his cabinets have a lot of soup, and a lot of snack food, but largely nothing of nutritional value- with the exception of the four basic breakfast necessities: eggs, bacon, bread, cheese. * ᛭ appetite: coffee for breakfast with an unhealthy amount of carbs and sugar; more coffee for lunch, along with whatever's left over from breakfast; dinner varies and is chosen typically by the nationality of the cuisine rather than any real sort of health merits. * ᛭ allergies: allergic to cold iron when in direct contact with flesh; will cause severe caustic reaction such as burning, itching, as well as affect his ability to cast magic.**
a b i l i t i e s
᛭ skills: current skillset is found within a 5e Dungeons & Dragons character sheet; to come* * ᛭ hidden talents: had an enchanted filling in a back tooth to help vastly improve his singing voice ** ᛭ magics: archfae-patroned warlock |