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DESIGNATION: AH-031 "Lycaon" STATUS: Containment breached; MIA NAME: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ALIAS: AGE: Approximately 520 years as of 05/03/17 SEX: SPECIES: Indeterminate BIRTHDATE: Unknown, possibly April. ↘ "I remember the daffodils..." STATURE: Looming |
HEIGHT: 7' 2" / 218.44 cm WEIGHT: N/A ACCENT: Indeterminate, vaguely Welsh ↘ Possibly South Wales, specifically SCENT: Strong incense with underlying earthiness and vague 'wet dog' smell LANGUAGES: Expand
English (incl. Old and Middle) Welsh Irish & various Goidelic languages French Various Germanic languages Latin Several languages referred to as 'Demonic' ORIENTATION: ↘ "My heart doesn't ache so much anymore. Usually." |
While subject certainly is not invincible, he is for all intents and purposes immortal. He feels pain and can be damaged as any other, but all injuries will eventually heal. The length of the regeneration period usually relies on the extent of the damage. Superficial scratches and scrapes will heal within seconds to minutes while more extensive injuries such as deep lacerations and broken bones will take hours or even days. Limb regeneration behaves differently than the above. In most cases lost limbs will rapidly decay into a fine dust and allocate themselves back to the place of amputation to reform. In the event of decapitation or complete dismemberment the entirety of AH-031's body will decay in this manner and seek out the nearest sapient organic being and [REDACTED]. AH-031 can be suffocated and poisoned but will invariably reanimate anywhere between 5 minutes and three hours after death. There appears to be no correlation between cause of death and interim before reanimation. Untransfigurable
Subject has indicated that all attempts to transfigure, polymorph, or otherwise change his form are ineffective. Illusory spells to directly conceal or change his appearance are occasionally successful but are unusually difficult to cast and/or maintain. Subject surmises it is a property of his 'condition'. General illusory spells to conceal himself and the environment seem to work normally. |
Second Sight
As aforementioned, AH-031 is completely aware of his surroundings even when he has no means to see including through his mask. His field of vision is approximately 200° and he has indicated it is the same when using his actual eyes. When using his second sight he can describe his environment in detail but cannot see the true colour of objects. This vision has been described as silvery etchings of a sort with living beings and heat sources distinguished by a colour the subject is unable to describe. Subject is able to see the pulse of living beings to further set them apart, but says beings that are technically dead such as vampires are just as cold as the rest of the environment. AH-031's ordinary sight is unremarkable, having the same colour range and visual acuity as humans and void of the life/heat detection. Blood moon
Subject is unusually irritable and aggressive preceding and during lunar eclipses, including when there is no access to windows or other methods of viewing the sky. Subject has indicated the effect is far stronger in direct presence of the eclipse and requests he is suitably removed from any windows, doors, or other outdoor access. Personnel are not to enter AH-031's cell during these periods and all requests to give the subject access to the moon are to be denied. |