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Played by a verified adult
The Golden Tether |
Villette Marceaux (played by chaostides) | |
The only one who could dare wear pink around me often and get away from it. You my dear are certainly one of those I cherish as friend. My hyper little fashion designer. |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) | |
Here it is I stand, always at your side. What we share, there is no word for, and I'm thankful for that, if only because I feel mere words would deminish it. Forvever thine, and forever mine, my love. Eyes close, before opening to reveal that the Wendigo, Las'avain, has come to the forefront. We never thought to be accepted so willingly by a host, but to also gain a mate. We love you both. |
Nykita Aymen (played by Nykita) | |
A kind heart, and a wise squirrel who loves adventure. I may not have been around long, but I would be a fool to say that I don't miss it. I hope your continued days bring you happiness. May your sails always catch the breeze. |
Kanrik Lolthsson (played by BRJRusso) | |
When one comes to know another well, they come to find that such a person is no longer a friend, but rather he is considered family. Odd he might be, and certainly aggressive at times, I rather enjoy his company, despite the asshole he can be... |
Richard Grey (played anonymously) | |
Lord Purrcival Myrrwyn (played by GreenWolf) | |
A man who was ready to stand and defend. I certainly can't find much fault in anyone of that nature. It was a day of battle, and one that was hard fought. I do hope to run into him again. |
Kai Whyte (played anonymously) || November 5 2017, 2:53pm
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Kai Whyte (played anonymously) || November 5 2017, 2:49pm
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