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Because he's fucking brilliant at it. _________________________________ William Amadeus Bate is a character. This is meant in a ambiguous way. Being such a cold-hearted asshole with no such thing as a conscious is rather inhumane, and most definitely a character of some sort. For the past 5 years Will has worked as an A&R manager at Year 89 Records. A hard-working man who hates what he does. The only thing that keeps him going is his incredible skill in spotting potential in artists' questionable, shitty music that makes the ears of the listeners addictively bleed.
"The shittier you can make it,
a bad photocopy of a bad photocopy of what was a shit idea in the first place, the more they'll eat it up with a big fucking spoon, from dawn till dusk, from now until the end of time. It's too good.”
— Steven Stelfox
The ambiguous thing about this character is that he is - in fact - a character. He is made up. Programmed and made an asshole as a defence mechanism to avoid people getting emotionally attached. William Amadeus is an advanced humanoid, part-robot, sleeper agent, waiting for activation while he's contributing to society, mostly for his creator's own skill-development and amusement. They have already gotten very far - far enough for William to believe he is actually full human. Although he experiences blackouts due to tasks he is assigned as Pro. WAB, his human brain figures it might come from the absurd intake of drugs and alcohol. |